So what’s the middle ground? You want the defenders to have an NPC escort? LOL…
Putting the risk back in. Unfortunately nobody will take a risk to make war change.
Just like attackers do not choose to not have CONCORD protection if the defender makes the war mutual and camps them into station until they disband their corp. Not having CONCORD protection is only a disadvantage if you are weak and do not deserve to keep your corp.
And how do you propose to do that, when the risk in a war is 100% determined by the defender’s ability to fight back? What are you going to do, have NPC defenders randomly show up to fight the attacker?
Strawman. They did choose to have Concord not aid nor hinder them. Concord does not care if they are winning the war. Concord does not care if they are losing the war. Concord will grab popcorn and watch you blow up.
As of right now there is no risk that a defender might fight back. You can sit in an npc station watching the “attackers” get camped by “defenders” who have them severely outgunned and willing to wait. They don’t have anything they need to do to continue a war in this method other than watch them waste the defenders time. They need something to risk. I’ve already discussed this in another thread but when offered a benefit for it not only was it shouted down but when the benefit was the watchlist at the cost of maintaining either a structure with a module or a deployed anchorable like a Depot it was shouted down or given preferential treatment to gaining benefit at no cost.
I’m not interested in watching it circlejerk again.
Then stop being weak. If you are strong and deserve to keep your corp then CONCORD will grab popcorn and watch as your attackers are ganked into submission and then camped into station 23/7 until they disband their corp.
How do you gank attackers into submission that never undock and have an infinite income?
Welcome to Eve Online.
All the defender has to do is enlist allies to help, or hire a merc corp. There’s your risk…
Would there be dire consequences to changing the wardec payments form from ISK to skill injectors (a pound of flesh)?
Sure, skill farms are unassailable and bot-able, yet the upside is CCP makes more money on extractors and people still have the freedom to wardec for any reason. There’d also be a new baseline for initiating attacks that is structured around less inflationary asset like extracted skillpoints compared to ISK.
OMG PEOPLE MIGHT FIGHT IN SPACE. Because undocking by default gives that. Allies choose to take the risk they might become additional war targets for no additional cost to the attacker. Unless we’ve somehow magically changed the rules again.
If your attackers never undock, then you have no risk now do you? Problem solved…
That doesn’t change the fact that the attackers took zero risk to initiate war. Problem remains.
How many wheels does that goalpost of yours have? It sure is mobile…
What’s the risk that the attacker takes to initiate war then? So far you’re only posting defenders risks and costs.
Those CEOs sucked…
Some additional questions: Why didn’t this Player B notice that he was free from war decs while in NPC corps? That he could still run missions and so forth? And why not rejoin Corporation A once the dec was done with?
Why aren’t you helping them then? You said you run a training corp…what are you doing to help these players understand game mechanics, how to avoid war targets, Are you helping them learn PvP?
This reminds me of teaching children to swim. Lots of parents like to use floaties, inflatable rings that go around the kids upper arms so they float. They like this approach because they believe in enhances the child’s safety. What it actually does is slow down the learning process and can instill a false sense of security in both the child and the parent when it comes to water/pools.
I think that “protecting” new players has a similar problem. EVE is a harsh game where is you screw up and someone notices they take advantage of it. Teaching this to new players is probably the best approach just as teaching the child how to swim (without using floaties) is the best approach.
New player mission. Get AWOXed.
since this forum is about ideas…why not add war goals that would actually make the whole thing not only risky but also meaningful. The way I see it, the only risk and only manner this whole thing makes sense is removal of safety asset and destroying citadels/refineries. So if your wargoal setting(in a UI designed by CCP) would be to hurt a total of 50% of the enemie’s structure in a specific time(with penalties of the defenders applied in case they pack up and move around) then that is what is actual risk. The attacker wins wargoal rewards(to incentivise them more but also the defender). Another addition could be a metric by CCP of show of forces…The harder the enemy in show of forces(x,y,z metric applied here) the bigger the reward…simply labeling people weak/strong in a game where perpetuity without reset means someone will be way ahead of somebody else by default isnt actually risk…its just aimless.
How does the attacker gank a target that never undocks and has infinite income?
Compassion from the masses lead to cry closets, safe spots for feelings, things just handed to you for free. This is because some loud mouthed bleeding hearts dont have a bandaid and forgot the trials they went through that made them who they are.
To be fair its not just soccor moms worried about their kids feelings; technology, industry consolidation, and marketing is contributing to this as well. Nobody fixes anything. Theres an app for that. Theres a gadget for everything being sold on tv and internet leaving us with extra hours, no money and no sense of accomplishment from having to earn and work to a goal.
You want compassion and want it easier, go play wow.
Edited for grammar.
This is NEVER true, not in games and not in real life.