A few months ago, my buddy and I (we are 40+ and in the same group in another game) decided to join and play EVE Online together, start a corporation, and get a bunch of our other mates in our group to join also. We both joined as Alphas. And we already have another 5 of our group in our corporation, one of them joined as Omega.
I am retired, so after a bit I went Omega. My buddy never intended to go Omega as he works a lot and has limited time to play, maybe 2 days per week, and we were quite happy playing this way; we are up to level 4 missions and having a blast. Until…
…He found out yesterday, by reaching the limit, that there is a limit of 5,000,000 to the Alpha skill points ticker. Whoops - we never saw that explained anywhere; perhaps it IS there but this game is complicated and this fact is NOT obvious - I even had a hard time finding the official language explaining this, until I found it just now in the support materials.
Here’s my problem - I paid for a year of Omega based on our ability to play together, with his account free, since he has such limited time. We both play our other game for free - however, we are able to pay for premium assets and the like AS AN OPTION and we both have paid some significant money in this regard - BUT WE ARE NOT FORCED TO PAY real money.
Now, your 5,000,000 skill point PAUSE, as you put it has thrown a damper on our entire game plan.
What you’re doing is FORCING him to pay - either buy an Omega account to continue OR pay for skill injectors. Well…
You are going to lose his account - he WANTS to play, he wants to continue…and would probably play for skill injectors [or pay for them] BUT he feels he is being forced to PTP [pay to play]. And I agree - neither of us have any issue with most of the Alpha restrictions BUT THIS ONE IS AN EXPLOIT. I see your support section on EXPLOITS and I am hereby officially calling you out on this one.
I’ve spent quite a bit of real money on this game already, to support our corporation that we formed. HOWEVER, I am seriously considering just dumping the entire effort. I spend a LOT of money on computer games and have no problem supporting EVE Online as well. But XXX XXXXXX is my friend and if he stops playing, it is very likely that I will as well.
Please fix this issue. I doubt many players who find out about this 5,000,000 skill point ticker limit will choose to go Omega. If this issue didn’t exist, if the ticker kept on ticking, your company would not lose money - it would only encourage Alpha players to keep on playing and eventually, there is a good chance they will go Omega after all. The way it is now, you only bash somebody over the head with - PAY or we aren’t going to let you progress further. So, PAY, OR ELSE.
That’s the way players feel when they find out they have been pulled into something where they have no choice but to pay. With a choice, I feel that many players would pay anyway at some point.
Thank you for considering a change to this policy. Just let the skill points ticker keep going, that’s all. And it’s only half the Omega ticker, that should be a good enough incentive.
Please let me know soon - we are both enjoying this game immensely and we want to keep playing and inviting our over 100-member group into EVE Online.