Please delete sale

Looking for a decent price for this alt

Located in High Sec
Positive Wallet
Positive sec status
no kill rights

current owner burdened with cost of transfer, isk goes to this alt

Please no low ball offers, thanks minimum bid starts at 15b

17 bill

20b offer

29b b/o?

would you consider a 30b b/o?

29b and 30b are decent offers, will let it go for a bit longer but 30b is tops, thanks

31b now

34b final offer

Shar, withdrew bid via notification ingame. Sem1ra still offering 31b? thanks

My offer of 29b still stands, btw.

thanks for the bid, hoping to get a little more

No worries, but keep in mind it still stands :slight_smile:

31b b/o

31.5 bil

31.5b b/o is tops. will continue for sale for another 24 hours

36b b/o

36b b/o will be tops for another 12 hours

Sale canceled please delete post, thank yo

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