Tengu pilot with excellent heavy missiles, engineering, shield, navigation and social skills.
Good faction standing in order to do blitz and earn tons of LP.
- standings with Guristas faction(4.96) and corporation(5.95)
(after the social skills are applied) - you can go to K3JR-J system for 5x lvl 4 agents, 3 from security.
- +506 000 unallocated skill points
- remap available + 1 bonus remap.
- location: Null Sec
- wallet: positive
- kill rights: no
- https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Ash_Tiara
…and remember kids, don’t be like boernl who reinvented the Stupid-Smart style.
The style that makes you feel smart, while being extra stupid.
*bonus - cool name and good looking
Starting bid: 24b
Buyout: 42 bill