Please stop the nonsense about inflation

Jenn aSide


This forum keeps on giving. I get to watch a bunch of know it all neckbeards argue with a real life economist (Teckos) :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s entertainment.

Welcome back bitch :heart:

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Mr. Teckos_Pech.

As ancient philosophers have enriched and gained prestige by creating absent theories in defense of the Authority of Kings (Divine Right). Many economists today earn money and prestige by defending the economic fallacies of the politicians and banks that rule nations.

Let me introduce you to a different economic outlook than you have been exposed to.

Austrian School of Economics - The Ludwig von Mises Institute


Dudeā€¦I am well aware of Austrian economicsā€¦

Lawrence H. White
George Selgin
Don Lavoie
James M. Buchanan

Just some of the people I follow, read, etc.


Also a big fan of the New Institutional schoolā€¦

Ronald Coase,
Elinor Ostrom.

I always wonder why there is so much talk about inflation. None of the items that I trade daily have shown inflation the past 1-2 years. And especially all high-end implants have lost 30-50 % of their value over the past 12 months. Thatā€™s a heavy deflation in that market sector.


Let me get this straight.

So you follow a lot of economists that defend Austrian School.

But you still defend the same point of view of those that keep creating economic bubbles. One larger than the previous one.

The only solution in their repertoire is State intervention in the economy and printing more and more money.

Economic stagnation. Productivity stagnation. Loss of purchasing power. Bubbles. Recession. Bail-Out. Rinse and repeat.

The income of most American workers has long stagnated. No real increase. While housing, food, health and education ā€¦ inflated beyond their reach.
They can no longer save money. And those who can still save a little, only find some promise of value gain in a risk system.

The banks donā€™t want your savings anymore. Because the government prints money and passes them at zero interest.

Thousands of unproductive businesses only exist because of this cheap money. Any increase, however small, and these companies crumble.
And the Stock Market also breaks, because everyone was encouraged to invest in these unsustainable companies, because the government system rewards them for risking higher and higher. And if something worse happens, the only applicable measure is a Government Bail-Out.

Being in debt has become the norm of the US Government, of Business and the American People.

And make no mistake. The little ones will not be saved. Only the big ones whose profits and bets were so exorbitant that if abandoned will cause the ruin the Gambling System itself.


Almost all the talk was with regard one item: PLEX.



Seriously, you got from my OP that I am defending some sort of bubble formation? GTFO, STFU.

Uhhhhh no. I am suggesting that their intervention via the ā€œblackoutā€ is going to have precisely the opposite effect.


I could go on at length here about total compensation vs. take home wages, but that would be wildly off topic. Suffice to say you are talking out of your bunghole here.

I donā€™t even know what the pfuck this means.

Iā€™ll just stop there as you seem to have lots of crazy issues here. What is really funny is you refer me to the Austrian school of thought but you sound like some sort of crazy Bernie Sanders supporterā€¦but hey he thinks the Nordic Model is socialist when in fact it is capitalist with a strong social social safety netā€¦so yeahā€¦that kind of crazy is at least partially understandable. If Bernie really wanted to turn the US into a version of Sweden Iā€™d actually consider voting for the dimwitā€¦but he doesnā€™t understand what he is talking about.

No heā€™s right.

Utter bollocks.

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No he isnā€™t.

Data sucks doesnā€™t it?

Note: the above graph does not mean there isnā€™t some serious problem, but if you are to focus on compensation to workers it is not so clear cut. Employers are compensating workers at an increasing rate. The issue is why are benefits absorbing such a large share?

And for those having troubles reading the graph, the green line is the ā€œwage componentā€ā€“i.e. what workers take home. The blue line is what firms pay employees including all benefits. The problem here is that health care is growing faster than the overall economy and productivity. As such it is absorbing a larger share of total compensation over time.

Edit 3: So yes, when various people say wages (the green line) are stagnant they are largely correct. However, they are also being misleading in that they do not account for the growth in the blue line. And that is largely down to health care. Which has a heavy government influence in itā€¦not unlike education which has also seen a rather substantial increase over time relative to other goods/services.

Funny thatā€¦the two areas with substantial government involvement have substantial cost increases when most other goods are seeing cost decreasesā€¦surely just a coincidence Iā€™m sure. :rofl:


Share options? (That period 1998 to 2007 is rather interesting in terms of that, but of course I am not sure what is in the data, real compensation to me would include stock options and of course healthcare costs, while I would guess that average hourly earnings do not, the issue is always in the detail.)

Quick question, did you notice that the only real inflation occurring in Europe at this point are energy prices. Germany is now into negative interest rates, so when you make a comment like this:

It is not the whole story.

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You are correct.

Iā€™ve blocked Anderson soā€¦

The problem is not loans, but that with fairly substantial deflation one has a significant incentive to hold on to oneā€™s cash holdings vs. spending them. Why? Because with substantial deflation holding cash makes sense. Suppose you hold on to any and all cash you can, say $100. Suppose the rate of deflation is such that next month you have 2% more purchasing power. If you can take that $100 and hold on to it for 5 months you can then buy just over 1.10% than you could today. Putting money into a tin can actually makes sense.

So a little bit of inflation is fine. A little bit of deflation is fine. Too much of either is a problem.


Itā€™s not a problem until your whole economic model require people to not save money. Which is not the case in Eve. Because its economic is not based on loans.

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The ISK is worthless now, look at PLEX prices, price didnt come from nowhere. CCP makes good thing when they balance the null ISK aquisition methods, so it cant be farmed like for few past years. It will return to situation when peoples playstyle in other areas than null ratting is going to be worth something again. I am happy, because its not me who is ratting in null, eventually CCP had to do something with null ratting anyway. :tropical_drink:

Nice obfuscation!

The person you put on blast and accused of ā€œtalking out of their bungholeā€ said INCOME. Do you know what INCOME is? This other nonsense youā€™re talking about is a red herring and youā€™re playing right into the status quo that keeps workers down.

Why benefits are absorbing such a large share: because itā€™s cheaper for the employer. Itā€™s a hedge. They give you ā€œmedical benefitsā€ - betting that you wonā€™t be at the company long enough to use it, and if you do try to use it, they can always legalese themselves out of having to pay. Or itā€™s nonsense that youā€™ll never use - ā€œincluded in your benefits is free daycare!ā€ - that youā€™ll never use cuz you donā€™t have kids.


Thay graph says hourly income, what if i dont know, some big comoany like wal-mat give you only 20 hours a week? Think maybe hourly wage graph is kind of ā– ā– ā– ā–  for data at that point?

Walmart doesnā€™t give benefits either - they direct their employees to the Department of Social Services (welfare).

What a neat trick they do calling things like medical benefits ā€œrealā€ compensation meanwhile workers are really not seeing an increase in their standard of living.

So, what youā€™re saying is . . . when the price of things goes down, people donā€™t buy as much, therefore, the world ends.

Cool story, bro.

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heā€™s right though, because our governments expect the debt to be compensated by an increase in production and thus consumption every year.

im still for a full isk/asset deletion of the whole server, lets rebuild back up from nothing.

there are single industrialist that can produce more ships than could ever be used with current pvp, never mind the entire fleets of ships and mods that are sitting in some of those hangers.