Please stop the nonsense about inflation

According to the rules of accounting, yes they are.

There are a lot of things that are according to the “rules” that most couldn’t care less about though.

Maybe in a Theater of War, declared or undeclared, usually with repercussions, but not as easily as you seem to suggest.

And no the US Army cannot demand more money be printed. :roll_eyes:

WEIRD, a form of “income” that doesn’t increase the amount of money in your bank account, and isn’t a commodity that can be sold for money or traded for other commodities, either.

Just because the tax hungry government says it’s “income” so they have more ■■■■ to tax, doesn’t mean it actually is income.

Meanwhile real income, aka wages, are still stagnant despite all this red herring obfuscation.

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Employer-sponsored health benefits and certain fringe benefits are not taxable income under federal rules, and this tax exclusion is a huge reason why wage growth has been so weak: compensation increases are too often shifted towards these benefits.

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Thank you for the good post.

“Military procurement” is a more compact way of saying “getting what we need to continue surviving as a civilization”. How do you think getting what we need to continue surviving as a civilization “works”?

I’d go further than this. Inflation is an average taken across a wide range of goods and services, TOO wide a range of goods and services in most cases. What good does it do to compare the average price of cheeseburgers AND bulldozers from 10 years go with today?

Money is an attempt to standardize non-standardized things/events. Deriving averages and other statistical abstractions from a statistical abstraction and then incorporating those secondary statistical abstractions into larger statistical abstractions like MV=PY . . . at some point you are no longer describing or predicting reality, not the one that we live in, anyway.

Lots of things are not counted in GDP, so, yes, they are not relevant TO GDP. But overall, many of the things that are not counted in GDP are VERY RELEVANT to our overall world model. For instance, this one is VERY RELEVANT to our overall world model, but is unaccounted for in GDP: threat.

You can buy things with threat. It doesn’t even have to be you making the threat. It can be a threat that is wholely separate from you. It has an economics all its own. How do you think Goonswarm buys security? With ISK?

Restriction = threat.
If [action] → Hostile reponse
If [occupation] → Annihilation
But, as you said, GDP does not account for threat.

It sounds like what you are saying is that Houston is a less threatening environment to build in than New York or San Francisco. I would also add that Houston has more land area than New York and San Francisco combined, and far fewer people. And that is another way of saying that the resource of “real” estate is not as scarce in the locality of Houston than in the localities of New York and/or San Francisco.
Those are two good reasons that housing is cheaper in Houston. I can think of two more very good reasons, and if I went and walked around in San Francisco for a day (never been to New York), I’d inevitably run into one more, better than all the rest combined and multiplied 1000 times to be honest. One you couldn’t even put a number on.

“economics” lol

Trusted by people whose judgement and moral integrity I do not trust. Also: Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia

Humans are predictive. If they see that the 50 trillion exists, they want it. You may say that they can never have it, but even in virtual, the 50 trillion has already exerted an influence on the economic actors in the sytem.
Is it technically “in circulation”? No.
Is it affecting the economic system? Absolutely.

When you go to buy something from the market, you don’t just look at one order. You look at as much available information as you have and can efficiently process.
You know that if we minted a gold manhole cover, the next day, Vladimir Putin would announce his intention to build a next generation gold manhole cover and launch it into space. Xi Jinping would send a bunch of spais over to the Treasury to find out as much as he could about the gold manhole cover. The UK would announce that it was also minting a gold manhole cover, albeit scaled down from America’s, but which was completely compatible and synergistic with the American one. The UN would condemn our manhole cover and then ask to borrow it for humanitarian use . . . but you’re “correct”. The gold manhole cover would technically not be “in circulation”.

Just tell the idiots that it’s “inflation” and that it’s good for economic growth. You could even make up some story about how it doesn’t “really” affect their lifestyle because it’s all proportional, or you could tell them there is a boogie man that will destroy their civilization if we don’t keep the “inflation” going. Then they’ll probably even ask for “inflation” by name and say please and thank you.

War is war. I think you are conceptualizing “competition”. I don’t mean “competition”. I mean destroying your competitors’ capacity to compete. That’s not competition. It’s war.
If I am destroying you with money, the outcome is the same as if I destroyed you with biological, chemical, or kinetic warfare.

The US Army has little to say about how the US Treasury conducts monetary policy.
The US Treasury has little to say about how the US Army conducts warfare.
I use the US versions of these organizations as examples only because as an American, I am fully familiar with the principles by which I want these institutions to operate. I’ll let someone from Burma tell ME how they think the Burmese Army and Treasury SHOULD interact or someone from the Gallente Federation tell me how the Gallentard Navy and Treasury SHOULD interact.


They are acting as gatekeepers (read: dictators) to economic productivity and progress. That is anti-thetical to a free market system.

I’m not trying to put words in your mouth, but I’m pretty sure that the above is NOT what you said. “Economic growth has already decoupled from energy consumption, and it will decouple from overall resource extraction as well.” ← is what I am referring to. I’ll wait for you to reiterate upon it (if you choose).

No you wouldn’t. And neither would I because you’re so easy to get Likes from.
Do you even HAVE a poodle?

I can’t and don’t speak for any military organization, but a short review of military history will illustrate some things pretty clearly:

  • There is no such thing as a “theater of war”.
  • Declaring war and waging war are two separate processes.
  • Committing acts of war has consequences.
  • Not committing acts of war has consequences.
  • What is “easy” and what is “hard” is mostly a matter of perspective.

The overall point was not that the US Army or any army can blow up your house with your kids and poodle in it. The overall point was that the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce can blow up your house with your kids and your poodle in it. Are you getting it yet?
Do you even HAVE a poodle?

No hence why Id love to find out how that situation could even be engineered.

I barely have a house.

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You totally need one of those poodles that lives in a bag. You can carry the bag anywhere and no one is allowed to say “no dogs allowed!”

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Rest assured that the US military, sole remaining superpower and most technologically advanced force in history, could put a poodle on your doorstep in less than 60 minutes, no matter where you were on Earth. Santa Clause has nothing on them.

What about “No Dog Bags Allowed!”?

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I’m an accountant (QBE), and we were trained to devour stat monkeys and economists - by our venomously biased ‘mentors’ who seemed to be engaged in a bit of length-measuring

I’ve also engaged Teckos in debate before and found it interesting, despite disagreeing, and civil, as and when we decide

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Uh huh sure. They arent so hot at winning wars though.

Just sayin.

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The US Army is just a tool of the most advanced society on Earth. Whether they win or lose wars is of very little consequence to us, so long as we secure our objective.

Just like if CODE. accidentally ganks an empty freighter . . . Goonswarm doesn’t care.

Thats very true

A rent
R eady for
M arines
Y et

Stop with the trumpist nationalism, there are many reasons that this can be considered to be false.

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The first one being, that you can’t objectively evaluate yourself.

Aaaannnddd the money supply keeps on going down. Velocity is down. Transaction taxes are down. All price indices are down.

Tell me again about this inflation thing.

Jesus ■■■■■■■ Christ…

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You lack knowledge. It is not weird at all. Income is not just money. Deal with it.

:smiley: :slight_smile:

So the game is really in its last breathe and CCPs higher concentration on a new new new new new NPE is solely because that’s exactly what’s happening? They’re desperate?