Please stop the nonsense about inflation

WEIRD, every definition I found said income was money.


Have you not been reading DevBlogs the past few months?

Search better.

Great argument! /s

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I know.

This has to stop.


For households and individuals, “income is the sum of all the wages, salaries, profits, interest payments, rents, and other forms of earnings received in a given period of time.”[4] (also known as gross income). Net income is defined as the gross income minus taxes and other deductions (e.g., mandatory pension contributions), and is usually the basis to calculate how much income tax is owed.

In the field of public economics, the concept may comprise the accumulation of both monetary and non-monetary consumption ability, with the former (monetary) being used as a proxy for total income.

Fattened emphasis mine.

You guys aren’t talking about the same things, because your perspectives are different. It’s like talking to an average person about feelings and emotions. The average person believes that they are the same, while in fact they aren’t.

The same arguments would be had, but in context of that. In reality feelings and emotions are not the same, because for science they aren’t the same. Feelings are what you have on the inside, emotions are feelings expressed to the outside.

Plenty of people using a wrong “layman’s definition” doesn’t invalidate the accurate definition, is different.


Right and all I’m saying is that for every day, “boots on the ground” people, income is the money they earn, cuz that’s what pays their rent.


And Exploits!

Easily done.

Ban Teckos from the forum. He’s the only one constantly droning on about it.



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All I know is this is a thread where I skip over all the posts and have no desire to read it or respond to anything.

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And y just did it…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Assuming these indicators are down (I haven’t checked), I think you are focusing on the wrong thing - current metrics at this particular moment in time. The issue is THE SYSTEM, not any particular metrics at any one point in time. The metrics might be just fine right now, but they could be terrible if you rewind to some point in the past, or fast-forward to some point in the future.

The issue is the system, not the current metrics. It’s like you are holding a broken clock, and you look down and tell me the time is perfectly correct. Yes, it will be correct twice a day, and you just happened to look down when it just happened to be correct. But the clock is fundamentally flawed. So, too, is a system which allows creation of money by fiat.

Things will be bad is deflation really sets in. The in game economy could collapse. Once that happens…what’s the point?

Let me get this straight…you can’t look at things like the money supply, CPI, PPI, MPI, etc…but you are going to opine on them anyways. And you are going to argue against what just about every economist would say. Okay.

STAGFLATION! Welcome to EVE 1975!

What are you talking about? I did no opining on the money supply, CPI, etc. Again, focusing on money supply is missing the point, when the real problem is the system which allows inflation of the money supply in the first place.

Your first problem is the logical fallacy of argument from authority. Your second problem is the logical fallacy of bandwagoning. Your third problem is, you are a guy who doesn’t think for himself, but rather memorizes and regurgitates crap written by these economists who you seem to worship. Your fourth problem is thinking you are the only one who knows anything about economics (since you are so into arguments from authority, for the record, one of my best friends is a quite famous, world-renowned economist).

The truth is, 99% of economists are total complete garbage. Especially establishment economists and neoliberal economists.

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I don’t know. I have no practical concept of an economic collapse.
As far as I can tell, no one here has, as we’re all not 100 years old.

Question: Why is it so bad? After a collapse things usually go better again?

If they mask it with the proper lore and NPC activity (trigs?),
why couldn’t they get most people through juts fine?

It’s still a video game, after all?

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Uh. you do know there have been some economic crashes in the last 10 years…
I mean, I live in the middle of nowhere basically and I’ve kept that much up with world news.

I assume you mean deflation => collapse of economy.

Source ?

Any model that represents the interactions between the elements of a system can only be used to describe this system accurately.

Therefore using RL economics (assuming they make any sense) to describe the interactions in a video game is complete BS. Just because we use the term money IG does not mean it behaves likes money does IRL.

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