PLEX is very expensive right now thread

Just a thought about something that may have been mentioned 250+ posts ago but:

is it any surprise PLEX goes up and CCP release new ways of mining more minerals (ergo to push prices of ships down thanks to glut in supply)? They want whales to afford even more ships? I remember the days when a scorpion cost 44mil and a plex was 380. Now PLEX is like 1.5bil (so roughly 4x as expensive) and a scorpion is 169 (so roughly 4x as expensive). By driving the price of ships down they actually make it easier to afford ships relative to shelling out $ which in theory would be good for the game.

Perhaps that could be negotiated.
Id imagine both are in high demand in Iceland.


Rule of Acquisition #35: Peace is good for business.


Its actually what CCP is selling. They are selling the game, without the game there would be no PLEX on market.

Not worth playing anymore, consider the fact people have lives, jobs, education, etc. And don’t have the time to become a slave labor, And not rich like most of these people who has nothing better to do with their lives than troll games, crash markets, destroying the games reputation with malicious intent solely for fun of it because they can harass and do whatever they like in this game. call it tears, laugh about it. you are the that very person who’s behind it all. you know who you are. there are limits and those with deep pockets are the worst, many of you have defied those limits to what makes a game great, relaxing, affordable, fun, social. so yes. i am definitely done with this game, all my friends has already left the game, so CCP, you seem to enjoy losing money.

R.I.P Eve Online, what was once a great game.

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People who are done with things don’t make a fuss.

They just leave, because they truly are done.

You aren’t done. You’re just here weiling because CCP’s decisions aren’t ones you like. You’re weiling isn’t going to change that.


Example of one of those people who just reply, and most likely a lot more to show their disrespect for this game and it’s future. just because i never voice my concerns on forums is that i am a happy person. but even that has reached it’s limit. now that i do voice an opinion it will get trashed by the trolls that i mentioned.

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I am curious if we can make a “PLEX is getting cheaper again” or a “PLEX is stagnating now” thread soon or if the latest dent in the graph was just a temporary event.

Done or not done. It’s pretty simple.

You’re still here, so clearly, not done.


What’s your definition of rich just so I can see if I am or not. A rough estimation will do.

Coconuts maybe, but fish makes up ~27% of icelands GDP and ~35% of their exports, so I doubt you would get a terribly favorable exchange rate.

Anyone else here just kind of enjoying the prices and inflation? It’s so interesting to watch. Up like 60% now since the split


Apparently, if you have at least $15 a month in expendable income, you’re a filthy rich robber baron.

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I’ll dish out some cash soon, then buy more with isk when the price inevitably crashes. just so i can do my part in pushing it up again.


As a recruiter, trader and owner of a corp, i must say, that CCP effectively made the game totally free-to-play for me:)

I don’t need to grind anymore

And the isk/hour ratio changed towards players too.

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I’m not enjoying it at all. I buy plex for game time, the rising price makes it harder for me to do that, and at some point I might have to resort to paying cash for 1 of them, or eventually for all 3 I currently maintain. That’s 45 bucks a month.

And I can afford 45 bucks a month, or I wouldn’t have come to be used to playing 3 accounts in EVE online, unlike the poor complainers who started playing multiple accounts they could not afford to pay real life cash for because plex was so cheap in the past.

What it comes down to is that people got used to a thing that they shouldn’t have, and when the inevitable happened (everyone with any sense knows that something that everyone wants and uses will eventually go up in price, it’s a fact of life), they freak out in irrational ways instead of learning the proper lesson, which is DONT PLAY GAMES YOU CANT AFFORD IN THE FIRST PLACE.

No I don’t like rising plex prices, but I knew I was using a luxury items that was way to cheap to be good, so I limited myself to no more accounts than I could pay cash for in anticipation of the day when plex prices caught up with reality.

Plex price complaining that we see every month is imo an example of how some people can’t really take any responsibility for their mistakes.

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For just 50 cents per day you can feed a starving child in a 3rd world country…or if that starving child has a computer and internet access you can save that 50 cents each day for 30 days and pay for his eve account and he’ll be too busy complaining about CCP’s development decisions to remember that he’s starving!

Charity has many faces :sunglasses:


Who need food when you can have kiting nano fags, soul crushing lag, cancer fozzie sov, cloaky campers, nul-sec cartels and many more?

100 RUB is about $1.5 - it’s not 1/3. It’s 1/10.

Yellow parasol
No for CCP the more people buy PLEXs - the better. PLEX is bought for real world currency initially in any case. If the demand will start dropping that will effectively mean less players buying those items from shop, less people buying Omega accounts and as a result less income for CCP.