PLEX is very expensive right now thread

If you dont want to grind for isk or PLEX, just buy it from CCP.

Nothing will change on that account.

People used to buy PLEX even when it was worth a fraction of what it is today.

Ask yourself, are you prepared to run 250 sites, for 6mil per site, inorder to PLEX?

Thank god you didnt inflict your stupidity on innocent noobs, and now I know why you are thought of so lowly. Bye.

Funny, the one calling me stupid is the one typing stupid ideas.

Watch my idea happen, sooner or later.
I have a pretty good track record on predicting change in EVE.

CCP has two choices:

  1. Do nothing and watch the price of PLEX rise faster and harder until it eventually plateaus. Nominally, this should encourage more PLEX purchase from CCP, but also results in poor players being priced out of the game.

  2. Introduce more PLEX so as to forestall the inevitable plateau (and potential, likely, collapse thereafter).

Rationally, it makes sense to somewhat stall the progression of PLEX price, so as to earn as much as possible from players anticipating that PLEX rise, before it plateaus, at which point incentive to buy PLEX will be reduced, especially in anticipation of a potential collapse of the market thereafter.

In other words, CCPs best bet, is to extend the period before PLEX plateaus, as long as possible, because speculators/buyers are hoping to earn on their investment.

Once PLEX really, finally, reaches its highest sustainable price, its going to look very ugly after that. Its anyones guess how fast the price will drop therafter, but its to be anticipated that PLEX holders will drop their PLEX at as high a price as possible, and as many as possible, once that occurs.

As I said before, its not unusual in games today, that players can generate tokens ingame that go towards sub/services. The benefit of this is two-fold. It retains poorer players, and also forestalls the inevitable ultimate plateauing of that tokens value in terms of buying it with RL money.

It would be in CCPs interest to stall the progression to PLEXs plateau price, for as long as possible, inorder to incentivize PLEX purchase. Because once it plateaus, its downhill from there, fast. When the price starts to decrease from the plateau, far fewer players will any longer buy PLEX, as they see the trend + PLEX holders dumping their stock on the market as fast as possible to get the best price.

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Not as good as your track record salvoshing threads :wink:


You stated to leave, twice.
Now we can add dishonesty to your CV.

Plex from thin air huh. Lol

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A) There is no air in space.
B) Earning the PLEX takes time/effort/opportunity cost.
C) PLEX introduced in this way is no different than isk/modules/minerals or anything else introduced into the game.
D) Nobody is forcing you to run the content. If you dont want to run a site for 6mil in value, 250 times, buy a PLEX from CCP instead, as per usual.
E) Or, run some other content and use the isk you earn to buy PLEX from those players. It makes no difference to you whether that PLEX is paid for IRL or earned in-game. Price will be the same and moderated by the market.

Yes, you want CCP to ignore their opportunity costs.

Lol, if salvos ran a business it would be bankrupt after 2 weeks.

If they are playing the game inorder to run this content, they are providing CCP with equity.

Nothing is more important than player retention and PCU.
An MMO is about much more than revenue, its about keeping people playing it.
All retained players are potential future sub/PLEX purchasers, as well as provide content for others to interact with.

If someone is prepared to complete 250 instances inorder to earn 500 PLEX to sub, that is not a loss for CCP, its a gain. That player obviously was not capable/willing to pay anyways, so instead they spent probably around 100hrs ingame running the content instead. A player as committed as that, is very likely to eventually purchase sub/PLEX, and has provided 100hrs of potential content for other players to interact with.

Your paradigm, the way you think, is antiquated.
You are not seeing where the real value lies.

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My proposal isnt going to bankrupt CCP.

A- There are many other MMOS that offer ingame token rewards for time or other services.
B- You are not distinguishing between different customer types, some of which will never buy a cash service but still provide content, and those that if retained may eventually be potential cash customers.
C- The rate of introduction of PLEX in my proposal, unlike your flawed math, is small. It would take running 250 sites, at a value of 6mil each, to PLEX an account.
D- People that dont want to grind will still buy sub/PLEX. Its so much easier and allows them to focus on what they want to do in EVE. History shows that people have bought sub/PLEX at a small fraction of the current ingame value.

It still is. CCP plex reward for PvE activity is till coming from the stash of banned account. Those PLEX were paid for to get spawned and then seized. The redistribution via PvE only reduce the stash size.

Back that up with a proof or STFU.

Your idea is trash and you should feel bad for defending it.


The RL cash that CCP gets is still ÂŁ33.99 for 1000 nuplex. So tell us how many of these sites will appear in the universe every 10 minutes.

However many sites there are in your bad idea, work out how much it is in RL money. This figure will be the amount of cash CCP will lose as per your suggestion.

Your idea will lose CCP money no matter what way you spin it or how much you defend it. I’m truly shocked that you can’t accept this reasonable and very basic point.

Im going to need a citation on this.
Afaik, the PLEX introduced by CCP for PvE was generated ingame, not from the stash of banned accounts which occasionally may be sold on the market.

Your rebuttal is trash, and I have no need to defend against it.
Go be mad somewhere else.

He assume the opportunity cost of running those sites instead of something else in game will generate money. It’s a “cost” to the player so CCP get their money’s worth somehow.

CCP gets content in their game and a potential future paying customer.
A player that is willing to run 250 sites inorder to PLEX, is not a loss to CCPs bottomline, as that player would not have bought a sub/PLEX anyways, or they wouldnt be running the content to begin with.

You are underestimating the try-hards that play this game.