PLEX is very expensive right now thread


So there should be as many concurrent instances of this site, as there are HS systems, so 1 per EACH AND EVERY HS SYSTEM?

Are you retarded? Fk off Teckos.
This was low, even for you, and fk you for wasting my time to point out the obvious.

No HS anomaly/sig has ever had that kind of proliferation, yet you deliberately contrived that into your math thinking you wouldnt get called on it.

See I knew you’d be a child about it.

You completely ignored my posts noting that that was the potential max. One of my previous posts noted the number could be in the set [0,1,090]. I said that if it were 1,090 I gave a daily max. I then gave other examples such as 109 at any given instance.

You are such a disingenuous manchild about this. Your idea has been thoroughly trashed. Nobody likes it. At all.

But hey, enjoy your minor victory here.

You are the child, and miscreant, for trying to dishonestly represent my proposal as well as the associated math.

■■■■■■■ dissappointing, man.
I know you have an agenda, but you are legit wasting my time and essentially trolling rather than actually discussing the issue.

Nowhere, ever have I even remotely suggested the pool of concurrent spawns should be 1 per each HS sector, and cycled over 27 times per day as was how you reached your numbers to result in 30k completions per day.

Youve wasted my time time for 2 pages inorder to clear this ■■■■■■■■ out, that you already knew was wrong long ago, and which I already pointed out 2 pages ago.

Fk this fkng ■■■■, man.

Your math was wrong as predicated on a false value entirely of your own contrivance.
Instead of owning up to that, just as Aaron didnt, youve wasted my and all readers time trying to cover up for that.

I understand metagaming on the forums, but this is just useless and being an asshole.
You owe me a goddam drink if ever we do meet.

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@Teckos_Pech I cant get any sense from salvos tbh, he puts forward his idea then when someone tries to clarify what hes talking about he starts being childish. He doesn’t seem to be able to give any numbers or examples of how many sites there will be universe wide for his idea.

Also he doesn’t seem to understand that CCP earn money through plex and sub sales. This is actually the most important point in this whole thread, if one lacks understanding of that then how can one possibly put any kind of idea forward regarding plex.

It is important to have a basic understanding of business if youre going to comment here on this topic, CCP are here to make money by providing an entertainment platform.

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I specifically stated that I would recommend a spawn pool equivalent roughly to what I have experienced the 4/10 DED pool in HS.

Meanwhile you two assholes have been operating off the ridiculous notion that 30k players would run this concurrently, or that 30k of these sites could be completed in a day.

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BTW, to get to 30,000 max of these spawns/day there would only need to be 250 of these spawns at any given instance and then have enough players to hit the max. Say 1,000 players/accounts at any given instance running these. Then we’d hit 30,000/day. The more people looking the more likely we’d hit the max.


And we already know that players will go to considerable length to obtain PLEX…look at the current price. So I’m pretty sure we’d hit the max output.

To go below 30,000 we’d need even fewer spawns. The spawn rate, assuming players are maxing this out…like they do with most things…will scale linearly. Cut the spawns to 125, 15,000/day. 50 Spawns, 6,000 PLEX/day. And the fewer the spawns the easier to hit the max.

i think you need to be clearer than that. assume we know nothing and explain it by giving clear example.

Once u explain it, then teckos come back giving an example based on your explanation youll just start being childish again.

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I don’t think he will ever agree with this even though it seems reasonable.

Exactly. I have never done 4/10 DED stuff…so I know nothing about it.

The initial proposal was “drop PLEX in game.” The response was “No, that would be Bad™” [insert reasons]

The proposal was refined and refined and refined over the course of many posts. OMG, an off hand comment was missed that not everyone will understand and they are being unreasonable? Okay…

Even if you go with max 10 concurrent spawn at the same time and assume it take 30 minutes to find/scan/run the sites, you still get about 480 PLEX spawned in the game out of it. That’s close to 15$ of PLEX each day or 450$ per month being given away by CCP for the privileged of having people run these sites.

Is it a lot of money? Not really but at the same time, this would not even begin to move the PLEX price down.

To have any effect on the PLEX prices, you will need to have much more spawns in the game and this translate to monetary income loss for CCP of bigger amount. How much money can they miss out on earning for the sake of lower PLEX prices?


Hilmar should resign as CEO and go plant some trees.

No, We have been operating off of the following facts;

1, Any plex available on the market must be sold by CCP in order for them to get paid.

2,Any amount of plex generated from a combat site will only serve to take money away from ccp.

3,You would need lots of your sites in order for the plex drops to be enough to even have an effect on current isk plex prices, Which you seem to complain about if Teckos or myself try to give you any examples of numbers.

4, The fact that you yourself dont seem to want many of these sites in your idea means that you dont even have faith in your idea ( See number 3 ) you get angry and childish when we ask you for numbers or put forward some numbers of our own.

We are assholes for analysing your idea to the limit? I think you are too thin skinned for these forums if all it takes is someone analysing the logic of your idea to get you upset and angry.

Teckos and some others picked apart my idea, but did you see me swear or get angry? No, you did not. The definition of debate is to discuss the logic of any view or opinion someone puts forward.

EDIT: The only other option seems to be reducing the RL price of plex, this would achieve the effect of more people wanting to pay RL cash for it because its cheaper. Then when the market floods the value will go down.

Again the con here would be CCP losing money, or would they? perhaps more people would play so therefore more subs using plex would mean more money for CCP due to them possibly getting a higher volume of plex sales. this is purely speculation.

Ultimately, any development time that goes into theorising and implementing new ideas is paid for using profit, Due to the nature of what Eve is it will have some hefty overheads, Imagine CCP’s internet bill for bandwidth, and electricity, hardware, tax, insurance, employees, office/warehouse space. If plex has to be sold in the current way it is then I can accept that.

It’s good to consider these things when we put ideas forward.

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I have considered all those things. None of those are new/s to me.
Many of them I’ve specifically addressed and others I consider understood as a given and dont need explanation.

Well, we will see what CCP does, if anything.

Atm they dont seem to mind PLEX price rising, as they are introducing more and more demand with new PLEX services.

Its rational to expect that at some point PLEX will reach a final plateau, and after that, its to be expected its only downhill from there.

I suggest that it is in CCPs interest to forestall reaching that plateau for as long as possible, for maximum PLEX sales in a market where the price is still rising, because in a bullish market, PLEX purchase is incentivized, whereas in a bear one, people will start dumping their ingame PLEX instead (which will have a deleterious effect on sub sales as well).

I’d also argue that increasing PLEX price has a direct correlation to PCU, specifically on the part of Omegas. Although current available figures I’ve seen to indicate PCU remains relatively strong, I havent seen any data on how much of that is a result of Alpha changes. Be that is it may, for the games economy etc, its significant that Alphas cannot provide certain commodities, or do so very inefficiently, which leads to less supply on the markets (and hence rising prices).

CCP needs to decide, whether they would rather retain a small base of rich (ingame or without) PLEX purchasers, or a larger base of potential customers that may occasionally invest in a PLEX/sub alongside higher PCU which creates content for everyone.

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Curious again; how much PLEX would on average drop in a 30 day period?

The clock starts… now!

Since its more or less a fact that ALL spawned HS content gets run (even drone/relic sites), no matter how crappy, sooner or later, it depends primarily on how many simultaneous spawns there are of this site.

I dont know the spawn pool for 4/10 DEDs per pirate type, (no one except CCP does) but having hunted for/run hundreds of those, I find my experience of that spawn pool to be a good benchmark.

Hypothetically, lets say its a 100 spawn pool in HS.

So there would be roughly a 1/11 chance of finding this spawn in any one HS system, at any given time (as there are 1090 HS systems).

On the outside, at 10mins set completion, and the theoretical premise they are initiated the instant they spawn, that would average out as 100 sites completed every 10mins, so 600 sites per hour, at 1200 PLEX per hour, for 24hrs = 28,800 PLEX per day distributed across 14,400 individual site completions, at theoretical maximum.

If that seems too much, the completion time can he increased to 15 mins, they can be instituted as a probed sig (delaying completion), reward can be reduced to 1 PLEX or PLEX reward guarantee defined by RNG, or the spawn pool can be reduced to below 100, or an intermix of the above.

Other options are issuing this only as a periodic Event (such as for the first or last week of a month), or cycling this sites existence through the four Empires over a year at 4 months in each, at only a 25 spawn pool, or both.

Depends on the number of people looking. Again if say 1,200 are looking that is one player/system in HS. The smaller the number of sites the more likely this will be maxed out.

So…for 100 sites maxed out that is 500 sites run/hour, which is what? 1,000 PLEX on average entering the game/hour? So 24,000/day. Whoops…kinda close to the 30,000 @Aaron and I were talking about.


Holy Hell…after all your antics you produce a number that is pretty much right on top of Aaron’s number.

I mean seriously you are 1,200 PLEX off from what Aaron’s initial number was a 4% error and you gave Aaron and I a load of crap.

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Aaron used the 30k figure as the number of players running the sites.
You used the 30k figure as the number of site completions per day.

Neither of your math ended up at ~28k PLEX introduced per day, at max.

That the PLEX introduction happens to average out just short of 30k PLEX per day, is a result of the theoretical 100 spawn pool in the max, was not the basis, nor the result, of the math used by either of you.

There wojld not be 30k concurrent players running the site, as Aaron calculated.
There would not be 30k daily completions, but 14,400, as you calculated.

Yeah, but I was not. So what ever dude.

And yeah, I bet players would max 100 sites out. They’d max it out in a day or two.

Ive presented several options to reduce the rate of PLEX introduction further.

Don’t care. My 30,000 number was a good estimate.