PLEX is very expensive right now thread

Not sure if trolling or mathematically incompetent.

If the latter, you do realise you can sub for cheaper right?

Is this guy for real? He cant see that someone brought the plex with their credit card for the specific goal of selling it to Jenn for isk? LOL.

Well… PLEX is something you need to give out. And PLEX is a thing you need to get first. It’s time and effort at least.

So yes, i can use words “pay” and “plex” in the same sentence.

No, somebody else has paid instead of Jenn and Jenn gave that person ISK which they valued more than the PLEX.

So…somebody else has at some point paid for those PLEX and at a premium.

Who cares. CCP benefits. Ima benefits. The people who sold Ima the PLEX benefit. The only who appears upset is you…and it is totally baffling.

Yes, I know your “PLEX Price Crash” theory but I am not seeing why you think the PLEX price has to collapse. You keep harping on that CCP is selling less PLEX, but there is literally no evidence for this. You keep asserting it with strange claims that people like Ima, Jenn and myself are sinking really, really old PLEX. But you have no evidence of this either. As for Buddy and Event PLEX you have zero data on how many PLEX constitutes this sub group nor that they are not from PLEX from banned accounts.

Yes, somewhere at some time somebody paid the cash, and then some, that Ima did not pay.

What? CCP sells PLEX in bundles as low as 110. And anyone can buy them. So there is no effective upper limit on how high the number can go.

So? That is what happens with PLEX. Not sure why you see this as bad. It is like getting upset that somebody buys a loaf of bread and then eats it. Totally batshit crazy, eating bread that one buys.


am i the only one who is at loss with salvos argumentation?

i mean consumtion rate of plex is sure existing but then there is an introduction rate which we know nothing of.


I think most people who took him seriously have abandoned all hope for him to see reason and arguments beyond his own. Best is to leave him be.


No we are all puzzled…

So Bob buys a bundle of PLEX. Throws them on the in game market. Ima buys them. Bob gets the ISK he wants. Ima gets (some of) the PLEX Ima wants. Bob is happy. Ima is happy. CCP is happy. I’m happy because the market is working as intended. But somehow somewhere in there Something Bad Has Happened™.


Once upon a time a man called Joe P had a problem with a player.
He too trolled that player about RL photos.
And he too called a person a “potato” for being fat.

Im sure its just a coincidence, right?

Also back to topic someone has to buy those PLEX Ima bpught. Irs clearly the market working, not failing.


Well thats provably false.

Think Zeno’s paradox.

In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead. – as recounted by Aristotle, Physics VI:9, 239b15


that has been solved by newton’s differential calculus, in so far it is a good example for a paradoxon that can later be solved by more advanced knowledge.

(For the record I just bought plex from a shop and entered some in the market.)

Yeah. I linked them in response to the idea the buying PLEX for ISK does not help with regards to people buying PLEX from CCP. The statement is true in the same sense that Zeno’s paradoxes are true.


I think the point is that as more and more people choose not to purchase their subscription with real money then plex prices will continue to rise because the demand is higher than the supply.

At some point if nobody is paying their sub with real money it will cost so much isk for you to buy plex that you won’t be able to anymore.

As you’ve all agreed before, you lower plex prices by spending more real life money on the game.

The market model supports a number of people paying for the game without money, but not everyone.

I hope that helps :slight_smile:

Okay, but here is the thing, if it gets that expensive then paying your sub with RL currency is relatively cheaper, so it makes sense to switch back. Also, the relative marginal benefit of grinding is going way, way up. And the relative marginal cost of obtaining ISK via PLEX will be going way down.

In other words, this narrative posits and unstable system that when knocked off the equilibrium path it will spiral out of into disaster. Problem is we rarely see this kind of thing. Could it happen? I suppose, but given it rarely happens in just about every market should make one dubious of this narrative.

Sure, but assuming we are going to get there without actually determining IF we can get to that point.

Typically a person who is going to PLEX already has a large amount of ISK and/or a substantial ISK income stream. If we get to the point where everyone PLEXes their accounts then something went horribly wrong with the game.

PLEXes like in purely with isk or PLEXes as in through buying for real Money?

Additional legal semi RMTing through PLEX as means would become more interesting with higher prices … then again I’m not sure if that would be enough to infuse market with enough plex to lower the price according to the market model.

Currently it rises anyway and for some 3 Million per Pc or 1.5 B per month in isk might seem much. I also estimate it to rise more.

Purely with ISK.

Which means less revenue for CCP.

if people are switching back from plexing to paying for subs with real money due to plexing getting to expensive isk wise, how is that smallering CCP’s revenue?

Subs cost less than PLEX.

What is missing here is the dynamics of what is going on. So, more and more people PLEX their accounts and the PLEX price rises. So clearly PLEX prices are not dissuading people from buying PLEX and sinking them out of game. Now ask yourself this question:

Under what conditions might this occur?

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