So… you have a completely stylised HUD in Eve, it’s all one theme, one dark colour pallet, and it’s quite immersive to the experience…
And the you have put… the red dot… the buggy red dot, the red dot that flashes up when you don’t have a new item, when you do have a new item, when you change your laser crystals, when you change your mining crystals, when you’re salvaging 100+ wrecks at once, when you’re changing fighters, when you change drones, when you load cap charges into your booster… the red dot that pings up at the side of your screen and draws your attention in as though it were alerting you to your ship being locked and attacked.
Because that is the ONLY other thing in the game that is red in colour, when you are being attacked, so who… who had the bright idea that they would make something so mundane and irrelevant the ACTUAL COLOUR OF DANGER**.
not happy with this,
rant over.