tl:dr there are a lot of role players in game wouldn’t it be nice to have something that doesn’t involve too much undocking? (for the participant which would be a governor of a station)
Taking the area of syndicate in particular where each station is supposedly self governed I feel a political and economic style mini game may provide a boon for the area and add something different to EvE, at least in this area of space which could improve activity and trade in the region too… though if successful and varied enough it could possibly be a good idea for lowsec too?
Basic premise is a player can vie for governership of a station in a variety of ways but i think courier missions would work best as a starting area (providing station with goods and transport services) with some random low level(ish) combat or repair missions (kill the rats on the station, moon or planet) or repair station services, guns etc… (in space in the station general area)
Any goods moved needn’t be huge and this is just an idea on how to initially get started and obviously continued effort would keep your station standings up…
Political and economical game could basically be some sort of city builder like sim city (as an example) but with less city building and more maintenance/emergency crews and ‘event’ decisions; all with various costs and effects of course.
City would simply be a multiple level station layout, already with basic buildings/machines but space for more with upgrades available when researched/bought.
The governor would have to maintain a crew of engineers, scientists, tourists… maybe these could be imported from the market items - creating an as yet unknown trade in all those ‘livestock’ drops that do nothing… like militants… tourists, scientists, mercenaries, slaves…
Rewards for governance of the system could be basic, like isk and lp, bragging rights and a viable role play presence that actually has an effect…
Rewards could also include station benefits such as those you might see on service modules and rigs you get on citadels (obv if built in station) maybe with reduced fuel costs if only because fuel blocks are a nightmare to make and move and i feel would effect the minigame negatively (the point being to increase activity tenfold and create a different dynamic than that of citadels…)
System wide effects could also be a thing, increased defensive guns, inspace sites that could be destroyed by other players but provide bonuses otherwise)
As an initial basic idea I can see it would take a lot more planning and work to implement as an effective fun addition but ideas could come straight from the community and could be added over time.
For example vanguard could tie easily into this as either defence against mercs or sabotage/kidnap/acquire/assassinate etc missions.
Small constellation facwar style gameplay could open up now and then for system control of specific resources or system wide bonus changes (though id make that rarer over all day every day…)
Players could mess with station services like a few years ago (maybe make that a mission for those in the minigame rather than just trolling)
Corps and alliances involved would obviously need to be deckable; but perhaps costs would be less or could be a ‘‘decision’’ that comes up as part of the minigame towards another station faction…
And of course stations could work together towards a common goal, maybe something like a warp gate to another station in range, killable or at least damageable… cooperations should be limited between a small number of stations of course to avoid the whole of the area coming simply another dominion of a large entity…
The possiblity of other options like cyno jammers, beacons and what not similar to those available to null sov areas… or the ability to cause complete chaos… blackout, weather or other effects…
I think the possibilities are somewhat endless which is why I dont want to go into it too much suffice to say the intaki syndicate is a perfect place for this sort of thing; not so much other pirate areas as i feel the intaki syndicate are a lot different to pirates… for a start they dont have any rats or mining gangs…
Anyway, just an idea…