Population numbers

I formally request for CCP they start adding (estimates? census data?) population (citizens? noncitizens? slaves?) numbers for systems, stations, citadels (moons?) and for planets in eve in respective descriptions in-game.

what would an informal request look like?

Also, why should the developers waste time adding something so pointless, I’m truly curious why you want this? This would be 10’s of thousands of tiny little bits of pointless information someone would have to lookup…for a feature no one would ever look at or care about.

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what would an informal request look like?

Whining into the ear of a drunk developer at Fanfest

Also, how would the developers invest time in such a fascinating idea? You
are an amazing person. You have such fascinating ideas. I like this idea!

Thank you for your compliments! My answer is : Serendipity. “You build it and they will come”. There are tons of ideas developers might gradually evolve over the years. By adding a location based metric that fluctuates, certain aspects of stations, structures, moons, planets, space habitats might operate better (higher populations) or operate less good. What if on a planet PU would function worse when underpopulated, and better when the planet has a higher population? This would open up game design to start simulating the presence of people, and thus, the transportation of people from A to B.

Presto, we have another scarce resource, another thing to trade, another thing to invest or sink money into. I am highly in favor of more immersive narrative, better storytelling. I want this game to expand in what it simulates.

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In the past month I’ve been fiddling around with Planetary Interaction. There is a world of possibility there. I would recommend a mobile game.
Don’t tie it down to having to have a $1000 Samsung phone/High end Iphone though. It doesn’t have to be first person, just relevant and accurate for Eve’s story line and tech. On a local basis, planet’s are flat.

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