Possible for Triglavs to insta pop ship+pod at gate while cloaked?

What about the new Vortron ships? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Takes no time at all to be neutral to both sides.
Then you can wander free

You don’t like it then move. There are plenty of other systems with agents.

Is war ever fare?

Just because you don’t like or agree with it doesn’t mean it’s bad for other people.
Im having the best time I’ve ever had in eve.

9/10 CCP

As much as it pains me to admit it, CCP does seem to be succeeding with their recent content, including the Trig invasions and the battledomes. It is hard for me to believe.

It’s been a great mix of pve/pve. I do love when it switches to low sec as the rules instantly change from high sec to lowsec. Then it gets very interesting and everyone must be alert suddenly after 1+2 days of grinding.
The fear of tornado ganks is ever present and it just makes things spicey.

I’ll bet the non-combatant people repping the NPCs disappear really quick after the change.

I’m glad plenty of people are having fun. I don’t have any issue with people having fun. I do think it was very poorly implemented, with some overlooked considerations for long-term impact and the player experience.

Also: ‘if you don’t like it, move’ is a very silly statement. I’m not in an impacted system, nor did I say I lost access to content. I find it distasteful to HAVE to participate in specific PvE content in order to access or preserve access to certain game content, though. Especially when some regions are at a severe inherent disadvantage, like Caldari faction forces. Seriously - of the 18 Caldari systems invaded, only 2 went to EDENCOM. Compare that to Amarr (40/45 EDENCOM - not counting the in-progress Stellar Recon systems), Minmatar (2/4 EDENCOM) and Gallente (9/14 EDENCOM). Does that seem remotely balanced to you in any way - from spread of invaded systems to success rates of Trig invasions?

Calamari space is overpopulated.

Yup lol but it’s nice isk doing ologi and I get LP points too

Well I shot an EDENCOM gun, an Aegis - EDENCOM ship, and a retaliating ship at an EDENCOM FOB but still no standing change. I guess I have to kill one?

This is correct, you must destroy at least one EC ship to get the standings tick (it takes ~20 mins to update). My recommendation would be to join the channel “The Triglavian Community” and see if there is anyone farming EDENCOM Foward Posts.

Ask if you can join up, participate in the destruction of at least one ships and “voila” you are now neutral to both factions.

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I am really looking forward to when all factions start doing this. Low standings? Instant popped.

Factions will have meaning.
Standings will have meaning.

Not sure why they have not yet. There is no way that CCP would give one faction that much of an advantage.

Just no way. No one could be that bad at game design.

It would be impossible to be that incompetent.




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