Dear Shui Jing Jing
Thank you for running. The issues you ran on still matter greatly and always will.
One country seems to have run away with the election; but, the power still belongs to the player. The real seat of power is always the community. Dictators and demagogue may rise and fall. Those motivated by service are always present, those doing the work that needs to be done.
The reflecting player who seeks the quiet of space still matters not just the thrill seeker. Life is filled with those addicted to instant gratification.
Me, I just want to fly. Putting fun before isk makes sense to me. I did save a lot of real money last Christmas by spending a lot of isk on gifts and then handing them out on Christmas Day; that is a good use for isk.
“If you can’t do something smart, do something right.”
~ Jane “Serenity”
“The right thing is not complicated, but it can be hard.”
~ Eric Gritens, Navy SEAL
If I feel have to keep looking over my shoulder to fly I won’t fly any more. I spend my energy on what I want to do not giving more attention than necessary on what I don’t want.
I spend almost all my time these days in Low Sec and like the standup Elvira Kirk said; “I’ve been sleeping in my bathing suit and I Feel fine.”
Corporations come and go, there will always be the people. I care about all players, all members of my community, my people this is my corporation. I might have to fly a Venture for a long time, but when I finally do get my first Orca it will be all the sweeter.