Pre-emptively training Omega clones

I recently read some advice on Reddit (the gold standard for facts) which centered around the idea that experienced EVE players, people who had been for at least 2-3 years, regretted not setting up several alpha accounts and starting their training queues before they got too deep into the game.

It doesn’t take much to realise they’re right: if you create 2-3 free Alpha accounts today, followed by setting up a single character on them, then you can “background” these characters. You can set them up to (slowly) train through skills whilst you’re playing on your Omega account. After a few months have passed, if you’ve been logging into the characters and updating their queues, you’ll have a few actually quite useful characters that can be turned into Omega clones and can begin training advanced skills sooner rather than later - for free!

I’ve decided to give this a shot and have setup three Alpha characters with the following Skill Plans in place. Yes, I know some of these are Omega-only, but they’re in-place for when you eventually upgrade the clone, allowing you to click a button and begin training the more advanced skills.

These are taken from EVE University’s excellent Pyramid Skill Plan and their Magic 14 page too. Note that I’ve made their “Magic 14” list Alpha friendly, so it’s not the complete Magic 14.

I’ve prefixed each Skill Plan with a number, making it easier for one to just mindlessly train through them in order without having to think too hard (thinking should be left to the Redditors…)

I’ve not included plugins or anything else in this list. Please let me know if you think anything is missing or should be omitted.

Tier 1: Fitting

Name: 1. Fitting

Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Thermodynamics 1
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Thermodynamics 2
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Jury Rigging 1
Jury Rigging 2
Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Weapon Upgrades 1
Weapon Upgrades 2
Weapon Upgrades 3
Shield Upgrades 3
Jury Rigging 3
Armor Rigging 1
Astronautics Rigging 1
Drones Rigging 1
Electronic Superiority Rigging 1
Energy Weapon Rigging 1
Hybrid Weapon Rigging 1
Launcher Rigging 1
Projectile Weapon Rigging 1
Shield Rigging 1
Armor Rigging 2
Astronautics Rigging 2
Drones Rigging 2
Electronic Superiority Rigging 2
Energy Weapon Rigging 2
Hybrid Weapon Rigging 2
Launcher Rigging 2
Projectile Weapon Rigging 2
Shield Rigging 2
Thermodynamics 3
Armor Rigging 3
Astronautics Rigging 3
Drones Rigging 3
Electronic Superiority Rigging 3
Energy Weapon Rigging 3
Hybrid Weapon Rigging 3
Launcher Rigging 3
Projectile Weapon Rigging 3
Shield Rigging 3
Weapon Upgrades 4
Advanced Weapon Upgrades 1
Advanced Weapon Upgrades 2
Advanced Weapon Upgrades 3
Shield Upgrades 4
Thermodynamics 4
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 5

Tier 2: Tanking

Name: 2a. Tanking

Mechanics 1
Repair Systems 1
Repair Systems 2
Science 1
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Shield Upgrades 1
Shield Upgrades 2
Power Grid Management 3
Shield Management 1
Shield Management 2
Tactical Shield Manipulation 1
Tactical Shield Manipulation 2
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Armor Layering 1
Shield Operation 1
Shield Operation 2
Shield Operation 3
Shield Compensation 1
Shield Compensation 2
Repair Systems 3
Shield Upgrades 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Shield Compensation 3
Shield Management 3
Tactical Shield Manipulation 3
Mechanics 4
Shield Operation 4
EM Shield Compensation 1
Explosive Shield Compensation 1
Kinetic Shield Compensation 1
Thermal Shield Compensation 1
EM Shield Compensation 2
Explosive Shield Compensation 2
Kinetic Shield Compensation 2
Thermal Shield Compensation 2
Repair Systems 4
Hull Upgrades 1
Hull Upgrades 2
Hull Upgrades 3
Hull Upgrades 4
EM Armor Compensation 1
Explosive Armor Compensation 1
Kinetic Armor Compensation 1
Thermal Armor Compensation 1
EM Armor Compensation 2
Explosive Armor Compensation 2
Kinetic Armor Compensation 2
Thermal Armor Compensation 2
Shield Upgrades 4
Energy Grid Upgrades 4
Shield Compensation 4
Shield Management 4
Tactical Shield Manipulation 4
Mechanics 5
Repair Systems 5
Hull Upgrades 5

Tier 2: Tackle

Name: 2b. Tackle

Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Acceleration Control 1
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
Propulsion Jamming 1
Propulsion Jamming 2
Acceleration Control 2
Afterburner 1
Afterburner 2
Afterburner 3
High Speed Maneuvering 1
High Speed Maneuvering 2
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Propulsion Jamming 3
Acceleration Control 3
Navigation 4
Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Spaceship Command 4
High Speed Maneuvering 3
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3
Target Management 4
Propulsion Jamming 4

Tier 2: Logistics (Omega)

Name: 2c. Logi (Omega)

Science 1
Science 2
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Shield Emission Systems 1
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
Gravimetric Sensor Compensation 1
Ladar Sensor Compensation 1
Magnetometric Sensor Compensation 1
Radar Sensor Compensation 1
Mechanics 1
Repair Systems 1
Repair Systems 2
Shield Emission Systems 2
Gravimetric Sensor Compensation 2
Ladar Sensor Compensation 2
Magnetometric Sensor Compensation 2
Radar Sensor Compensation 2
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Remote Armor Repair Systems 1
Remote Armor Repair Systems 2
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Capacitor Emission Systems 1
Capacitor Emission Systems 2
Capacitor Emission Systems 3
Remote Armor Repair Systems 3
Shield Emission Systems 3
Gravimetric Sensor Compensation 3
Ladar Sensor Compensation 3
Magnetometric Sensor Compensation 3
Radar Sensor Compensation 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 1
Capacitor Systems Operation 2
Capacitor Systems Operation 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 4
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3
Target Management 4
Signature Analysis 4
Long Range Targeting 4
Energy Grid Upgrades 4
Capacitor Emission Systems 4
Remote Armor Repair Systems 4
Shield Emission Systems 4
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Capacitor Management 4
Capacitor Systems Operation 5
Target Management 5
Advanced Target Management 1
Signature Analysis 5
Capacitor Management 5

Tier 2: Logistics (Alpha)

Name: 2c. Logi (Alpha)

Science 1
Science 2
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Shield Emission Systems 1
CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
Mechanics 1
Repair Systems 1
Repair Systems 2
Shield Emission Systems 2
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Remote Armor Repair Systems 1
Remote Armor Repair Systems 2
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Energy Grid Upgrades 1
Energy Grid Upgrades 2
Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Capacitor Emission Systems 1
Capacitor Emission Systems 2
Capacitor Emission Systems 3
Remote Armor Repair Systems 3
Shield Emission Systems 3
Capacitor Systems Operation 1
Capacitor Systems Operation 2
Capacitor Systems Operation 3
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3
Target Management 4
Energy Grid Upgrades 4
Capacitor Emission Systems 4
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Capacitor Management 4

Tier 2: EWAR (Omega)

Name: 2d. EWAR (Omega)

CPU Management 1
Electronic Warfare 1
Electronic Warfare 2
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
Frequency Modulation 1
Sensor Linking 1
Sensor Linking 2
Target Painting 1
Target Painting 2
Weapon Disruption 1
Weapon Disruption 2
Frequency Modulation 2
Electronic Warfare 3
CPU Management 4
Long Distance Jamming 1
Long Distance Jamming 2
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Sensor Linking 3
Target Painting 3
Weapon Disruption 3
Frequency Modulation 3
Long Distance Jamming 3
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3
Target Management 4
Electronic Warfare 4
Signal Dispersion 1
Signal Dispersion 2
Signal Dispersion 3
Long Range Targeting 4
Sensor Linking 4
Signal Suppression 1
Signal Suppression 2
Signal Suppression 3
Target Painting 4
Signature Focusing 1
Signature Focusing 2
Signature Focusing 3
Weapon Disruption 4
Weapon Destabilization 1
Weapon Destabilization 2
Weapon Destabilization 3
Target Management 5
Advanced Target Management 1

Tier 2: EWAR (Alpha)

Name: 2d. EWAR (Alpha)

CPU Management 1
Electronic Warfare 1
Electronic Warfare 2
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
Sensor Linking 1
Sensor Linking 2
Target Painting 1
Target Painting 2
Weapon Disruption 1
Weapon Disruption 2
Electronic Warfare 3
CPU Management 4
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Sensor Linking 3
Target Painting 3
Weapon Disruption 3
Target Management 1
Target Management 2
Target Management 3
Target Management 4
Electronic Warfare 4
Weapon Disruption 4

Tier 3: Turrents & Gunnery

Name: 3a. Turrets & Gunnery

Gunnery 1
Gunnery 2
Gunnery 3
Gunnery 4
Surgical Strike 1
Controlled Bursts 1
Controlled Bursts 2
Surgical Strike 2
Trajectory Analysis 1
Trajectory Analysis 2
Motion Prediction 1
Motion Prediction 2
Motion Prediction 3
Rapid Firing 1
Rapid Firing 2
Rapid Firing 3
Sharpshooter 1
Sharpshooter 2
Sharpshooter 3
Controlled Bursts 3
Surgical Strike 3
Trajectory Analysis 3
Motion Prediction 4
Rapid Firing 4
Sharpshooter 4
Controlled Bursts 4
Surgical Strike 4
Gunnery 5
Trajectory Analysis 4

Tier 3: Launchers & Missiles

Name: 3b. Launchers & Missiles

Missile Launcher Operation 1
Missile Launcher Operation 2
Rapid Launch 1
Target Navigation Prediction 1
Missile Bombardment 1
Missile Bombardment 2
Rapid Launch 2
Target Navigation Prediction 2
Missile Launcher Operation 3
Missile Projection 1
Missile Projection 2
Missile Bombardment 3
Rapid Launch 3
Target Navigation Prediction 3
Missile Launcher Operation 4
Guided Missile Precision 1
Warhead Upgrades 1
Guided Missile Precision 2
Warhead Upgrades 2
Guided Missile Precision 3
Warhead Upgrades 3
Missile Bombardment 4
Rapid Launch 4
Missile Launcher Operation 5

Tier 3: Drones

Name: 3c. Drones

Drones 1
Drone Avionics 1
Drone Avionics 2
Light Drone Operation 1
Light Drone Operation 2
Drone Avionics 3
Drones 2
Drones 3
Medium Drone Operation 1
Medium Drone Operation 2
Light Drone Operation 3
Medium Drone Operation 3
Drone Avionics 4
Drones 4
Drone Navigation 1
Drone Durability 1
Drone Navigation 2
Drone Durability 2
Drone Navigation 3
Drone Durability 3
Drone Navigation 4
Light Drone Operation 4
Medium Drone Operation 4
Drone Durability 4
Drones 5
Drone Sharpshooting 1
Drone Interfacing 1
Drone Sharpshooting 2
Drone Sharpshooting 3
Drone Interfacing 2
Drone Interfacing 3
Heavy Drone Operation 1
Heavy Drone Operation 2
Heavy Drone Operation 3
Drone Sharpshooting 4
Light Drone Operation 5
Amarr Drone Specialization 1
Caldari Drone Specialization 1
Gallente Drone Specialization 1
Minmatar Drone Specialization 1
Amarr Drone Specialization 2
Caldari Drone Specialization 2
Gallente Drone Specialization 2
Minmatar Drone Specialization 2

Tier 3: Command Bursts (Omega)

Name: 3d. Command Bursts (Omega)

Leadership 1
Armored Command 1
Information Command 1
Shield Command 1
Skirmish Command 1
Leadership 2
Armored Command 2
Information Command 2
Shield Command 2
Skirmish Command 2
Leadership 3
Armored Command 3
Information Command 3
Shield Command 3
Skirmish Command 3
Leadership 4
Armored Command 4
Information Command 4
Shield Command 4
Skirmish Command 4
Leadership 5
Armored Command 5
Armored Command Specialist 1
Information Command 5
Information Command Specialist 1
Shield Command 5
Shield Command Specialist 1
Skirmish Command 5
Skirmish Command Specialist 1

Tier X: The Magic 14 (Alpha)

Name: X. Magic 14 (Alpha)

CPU Management 1
CPU Management 2
CPU Management 3
CPU Management 4
CPU Management 5
Power Grid Management 1
Power Grid Management 2
Power Grid Management 3
Power Grid Management 4
Power Grid Management 5
Capacitor Management 1
Capacitor Management 2
Capacitor Management 3
Capacitor Management 4
Capacitor Systems Operation 1
Capacitor Systems Operation 2
Capacitor Systems Operation 3
Mechanics 1
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 3
Mechanics 4
Mechanics 5
Hull Upgrades 1
Hull Upgrades 2
Hull Upgrades 3
Hull Upgrades 4
Hull Upgrades 5
Shield Management 1
Shield Management 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Management 4
Shield Operation 1
Shield Operation 2
Shield Operation 3
Shield Operation 4
Long Range Targeting 1
Long Range Targeting 2
Long Range Targeting 3
Signature Analysis 1
Signature Analysis 2
Signature Analysis 3
Navigation 1
Navigation 2
Navigation 3
Navigation 4
Evasive Maneuvering 1
Evasive Maneuvering 2
Evasive Maneuvering 3
Warp Drive Operation 1
Warp Drive Operation 2
Warp Drive Operation 3
Spaceship Command 1
Spaceship Command 2
Spaceship Command 3
Spaceship Command 4


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Have you plugged in how long those plans are? Within a few hours with the bonus 1 mil sp, you could have viable alpha clones. That wouldnt even need to go to omega. Hopefully if you plan on using them together they are on separate accounts.

Magic 14 isnt meant to be trained all at once. By the time that is done, what can your pilot fly? Nothing. Magic 14 is meant to be filler skills when you dont have anything else at the moment to train. Wanna fly a drake? Train the skills up to pilot the drake. Wanna be more efficient, work on magic 14.

Hopefully if you plan on using them together they are on separate accounts.

They’re on separate accounts. That’s a must.

Have you plugged in how long those plans are?

All of them combined are way over the Alpha max queue size.

Within a few hours with the bonus 1 mil sp, you could have viable alpha clones

That 1m SP can certainly accelerate things, but it’s not going to surpass the Omega gate and even if it gets you through a lot of these plans, there’s still plenty more an Alpha can train whilst it sits and waits to be utilised.

Magic 14 isnt meant to be trained all at once.

I wasn’t saying that it was.

By the time that is done, what can your pilot fly? Nothing.

I’m not sure of your point here. Everyone agrees the Magic 14 is something worth training to level 3-4 when you either have nothing else to train or if you need to train skills that will make you a better pilot overall.

So im still confused about these months long skill queus youre setting alphas up on when after 5 mil SP you have to use injectors.

I think you’re missing the simple point being made: set up a few Alpha clones on separate accounts, use the suggested Skill Plans (or not), inject your 1m SP, train the Alpha clone in the background whilst you play on your (Omega?) main, use the Alpha when you need to or upgrade it Omega to multi-box.

That’s all that’s being suggested here.

I disagree… Those skills increase the performance of ships, thus making it easier to pilot and fit up modules.

What’s the intended purpose of these new clones?

All of my characters have a role or multiple roles, and have been trained with those roles in mind. This means I could skip all the useless skills for those roles. Why would I train EWAR or even targeting skills on my hauling character, for example?

If you think ahead of what you may want to do with these clones in the future you could focus the skills better. Command skills for example may be useful on one alt, but why would you train it on all three of your upcoming characters?

Back in the days you could also sub (maybe even PLEX but not sure about that) the Alpha you used your main’s referral link with and the first time you did so the main got a month of Omega time as a reward maybe among other things as well, thus you could train for up to one month on each Alpha as Omega instead of having to sub your main.

So in essence you could go beyond the base Alpha skill limit for an entire month worth of Omega training for free (if you would sub your main anyway).

Not sure if this is still the case though but if I remember correctly this is how it worked back then many years ago.

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the Fail 14 might be the biggest trolling ever made

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Their purpose is to be ahead of the training curve for when I want them to do a specific job, by training as many core/baseline skills as possible across the board. If I can train an Alpha to 5m SP and then let it sit there for 5-6 months, then decide I want it to be a hauler, or a fighter, or an explorer, etc., I can make that Alpha clone do that and a lot of the base training has been done.

So they don’t have to have a career defined ahead of time.