Price change on steam monthly price for OMEGA

Thread closed then, since everything relevant has been discussed.

Nothing more to see here.

No, mate. That’s propaganda and all propaganda is a conspiracy by the government and media, against the people. There’s no wiggle room for arguing here, sorry. Also, propaganda isn’t what “the others” are doing or suffering from. Propaganda is the norm, eveywhere, and not the exception.

I believe him. I believe him especially because I’ve heard enough about how ■■■■■■ up poland is to know that the statistics are likely worth nothing. Blindly trusting numbers coming from questionable sources really doesn’t make anyone look smarter and anecdotal evidence is still a form of evidence.

And, anyway … averages are absolutely meaningless in this, and so many other cases. On average, every austrian uses ~135 liter of water every single ■■■■■■■ day, but in reality this number includes farmers who use drinking water to water their fields, which means it’s highly inflated.

Never trust averages. It’s always misleading and people stop thinking. On average, every austrian has 200.000 Euro wealth. I don’t. I never knew anyone who does. I can guarantee you that 99.9% of all people I’ve seen in the last 20ish years (worked in sales) definitely did not be worth 200.000 Euro.

Yet there’s people who absolutely do point at this ■■■■■■■■, declaring “you live in a rich country, you’re rich people”, exposing a serious disconnection from actual reality and the people around him.

PS: You can’t just close this thread while I’m typing!! D:


Agreed. Someone from outside a country throwing statistics at someone from inside a country telling them how their living conditions are is the height of arrogance or trolling.

Even China, 2nd largest in world in terms of GDP, has at least 40% rural population which would not reflect average living conditions. Surface statistics never tell the whole story.

Agree with this too, thread definitely not closed.

There may also still be a little matter of basic economics. Anyone who has played a lemonade stand game knows that if you raise prices too high in a region, you may actually get less total revenue. So it’s alright to bring this to CCP’s attention. If revenue drops, they may revisit pricing in the future.

Perhaps what we should take from this is that flipping burgers is NOT a career job nor is it something we should see as an average income.

So now we’re job shaming… :roll_eyes:

If it’s burger flipping? Yes.

Its one thing to say that you experience something. Its another to claim something that is factually or statisitcally stated as being false.

No one is saying that you cant be from a town full of burger-flippers who make only 2000 a month. But the actual average income of Poland is something that is documented.

its like, finding a small village in western china, whose average is $100 a year. Does this mean that someone from that village can claim that the entire GDP of china is $100?

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Everyone knows that when it comes to population and economy average is a nearly useless statistic. If you were serious, you would have used median, the point where half the population is above and half below, or not even posted at all.

Again using China as example, which may be sketchy cause well - Chinese government and Polish government may be no better, the average income is about 21,500 and the median is about 18,400, an almost 17% difference, showing that the majority of the country falls below average. That is not a personal experience, that is cold hard numbers showing your statistics are near worthless. But for personal example, if I lost 17% of my income, that would be a car payment. I could see why many in the median values may forgo subbing to an online game.

Not to mention you didn’t even dig deeper into the numbers and look at other factors such as what is the median cost of living? What is the median disposable income? So again, why even post anything at all.

Oh right, you are probably trolling against the disadvantaged. :roll_eyes:

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He doesn’t have to. Someone made the claim that average income is 2000, while it’s not. Any other factor has nothing to do with the claim nor the rebuttal.

Not IT. Peasant wages in IT thanks to India.

If it used as “average income” metrics then yes.

When someone is claiming that something is the AVERAGE salary of Poland, it no longer becomes useless. Which, the OP said.

If he had said " in MY village" or “my average income is” then sure.

But to claim that the actual average income of Poland is something when it isnt?

Even burger flipping can lead to a career if you are diligent at it. Making consistent “good” burgers is a skill that is sought after in restaurant business (way easier to get hired as sous chief if you had experience in fast food kitchen before).

He is not an economist, which is evidenced by this:

He was thinking after taxes, showing he is not an economist, but more importantly also showing his confusion to why an outsider is going all amateur economist on him, telling him how his living conditions are, while this outsider is using data from a sketchy government, and not even using median values, which their government seems to not readily post.

My point still stands, you shouldn’t have posted anything at all.

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Have a read here:

I’m going to highlight some stuff:

The average monthly salary in April 2017 in Poland was PLN 4,449

If you earn 3091zl per month or less your company won’t pay any tax for you and you won’t need to either. If you earn more than 3091zl per month you’ll pay 18% of your salary in tax.

So either they get the average income and pay tax or if it’s below 3k they don’t pay tax. Result: if you bring home 2k you need to rethink your life choices and possibly stop wasting time playing games.

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Yet another amateur economist…

I noticed you skipped over this part:

Gross earnings: 3000.00
ZUS (insurance): 411.30
Health (NFZ): 232.98
Advance payment towards income tax: 199.00
Net earnings (“take-home”): 2156.72

As mentioned, he is not an economist, he was probably referring to take home pay and referring to all deductions as “taxes”.

The point still is, you are using sketchy government data, and there is a significant difference between average and median values. Average wages is pretty much useless data as I’ve pointed out above, cause it’s heavily skewed by income gap to the wealthy. Where is the median data? Oh yah, their government may not want to post that… :roll_eyes:

But why make your useless post?

Ah, you want to troll disadvantaged countries to inflate your own self worth… right…

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That 2156 also includes cost of health insurance etc. Most people pay that AFTER they got their net income.

So, still: If you make 2/3rd of what your country feels is not enough to pay taxes for then yes, you need to rethink your choices. Or at the very least stop wasting time on games and start putting that time into doing better.

Were on the internet, I have no idea if he is an economist. Just because youre bad at economy, doesnt mean you cant be an economist or have a degree in that field.

The only thing I care about are the words and arguments being used and made, which, shouldnt matter if youre an economist or a nobel prize winner or the president of the USA. Arguments should stand or fall on their own.

Not doing that at all. The simple ability to search and read something doesnt make you an amateur anything, anymore than my ability to search and read up on how to make pasta makes me an amateur cook.

And again, it doesnt matter. Claims, are either substantiated by evidence, or they are not. Arguments, are either Valid, or they are not.

Never did this.

Whether its sketchy or not, is simply an opinion. Unless you have proof, evidence, that these are infact wrong, the facts, the data, the statistics, still remain.

This was not his claim.

And your post is full of opinion.

Against my presentation of actual statistics and evidence.

Come back when youve actually realize how evidence works, and the difference between evidence, facts, statistics, and opinions.

Outsider want to teach me a lesson on how high is average salary in my country. Then claiming that paying the same price in dollars is fairness while he earn maybe 4 times in his currency than I do in PLN. It is simple economy: better lesser income than none. CCP choose none.

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More like, “I falsely claimed what the average income of my country is, and an outsider corrected me on it using official statistics provided by my country”.

More like “Then claiming that paying the same price in dollars is fairness because when people who make 4 times in his currency than I do in PLN, and use VPNs to purchase subs through Poland and pay only a fraction, is unfair to everyone else who pays full price.”

It is simple economy: better everyone pay the same price, than some paying lower and others paying higher. In other words, unfair costs. CCP Chose fair prices over unfair prices.