4,642,204 unallocated SP (31 large injectors’ worth; 102 skill ranks level 0-4, 18 skill ranks 0-5, 22 skill ranks 4-5)
-1.6 sec status
Genolution ‘Auroral’ AU-79 installed
Remap available, 0 bonus remaps banked
Empire standings at -0.79 or better
Angel Cartel standings +3.61
Long history of successful PVP in high, null, wspace, and lowsec
Notoriety of primary corporation may encumber joining large alliances with stringent admission
+5x5 with 5% hardwirings, HS
+4x5 with 3% hardwirings, HS
Full HG Slave with 5% hardwirings, HS
Full HG Crystal with 5% hardwirings, HS
Two +4x2 with trash hardwirings in HS & provi
3x empty in HS market hubs
- Close to perfect skills for every dread, carrier, and supercar
- Every freighter & JF, orca, and 2 races’ transports
- Logi, marauders, blops, CS, HAC, HIC, dic, recon, inty, AF, covops, T3C subsystems, T3D, EAF, and transports 5
- Guns, missiles, drones trained to specialization 4 with perfect supports
- Specialization 5 for medium & large short-range weapons (AC, blaster, pulse, HAM/torpedo)
- Perfect skills for most common rigs
- Perfect navigation
- Perfect targeting
Cannot immediately fly (comprehensive list):
- Caldari & Amarr transport ships
- ORE ships except Venture, Noctis, Bowhead (cannot fly Rorqual)
- Monitor
- Titans
Bad skills for:
- Industry
- Trade
- Leadership, mostly
- Probing skills are mediocre
- Hacking/Archaeology
- Tactical logistics (transfers and triage module)
- XL cruise missiles are T1
- Logistics frigates
Only level 1 burst projectorsi lied they’re level 4 - Station drivin’
- Planet touchin’
Contains the following permanent skins: