Price of Plex - Market intervention Required from CCP

Wealth is more than just isk. So mining is wealth creation.


It didnā€™t matter if a PLEX was worth 5M or 500M unless the amount of disposable income was also increased around the same timeā€¦which it was. Splitting PLEX, you are right, made it easier for poorer players to dabble in the markets but in reality, itā€™s still the uber rich that run the markets.

There never has been as much ISK in the game as there is now. Where do you think most of that is invested? THAT is what drives the priceā€¦

Poor tears are the best tears

Then the spread of this isk is not great, because I know a lot of casual players stopping as they cannot either afford it or make that isk in a casual way to play. Thatā€™s a shame in my view.

This was an interesting article on PLEX price:

Correct and this is where, if any, CCP has manipulated. Ore is the currency foundation in EVE as without it, there would be next to nothing. Manipulate ore and you manipulate ISK/PLEX.

Sadly you are right that it is probably out of the range of most causal players to plex their account as it takes about 66M a day in net earnings for that.

I think this is why weā€™re seeing Rorqal changes comingā€¦but I they look small and I donā€™t expect PLEX to drop anything significantlyā€¦

Runa Yamaguchi , only quoting your sentence because is very concrete :wink:

The direct creation of ISK from the void in the game are the NPCā€™s bounty, and the items you can sell to NPC corps. Any other sell in the market to players depends of demand.

Only to clarify.

True but to do that you need ships and modules which come from oreā€¦but I get what you are saying.

PLEX is going up because of isk inflation and itā€™ll keep going up as long as isk magically appears in our wallets from NPCs.
Also PLEX is a highly sought after commodity and the steep price should only be available if you are willing to dedicate some serious ingame effort to source the isk to pay for a sub instead of paying with real cash.

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66M daily isnā€™t alot when people have streamlined income into figures like 300mil/hour on a single account you can see its a matter of who has the skills the knowledge and the means over the casuals.
Plex could double in price overnight and these players would be OK with it

Mining is the #1 culprit to the cost of PLEXā€¦there is so much disposable income around that people just trade/hord PLEX now.

Yesā€¦but you are not going to hit those number for a long timeā€¦new players are more in the 10-30M range even after a few months.

New players shouldnā€™t be able to afford to PLEX up from the start and few months is kinda eve start


yesā€¦never said they shouldā€¦

I was just saying that I agree that people can earn 300M and hour NS ratting (for example) but that is a veteran doing that.

A low SP player however can min in a NS corp and earn a tonā€¦

Ofcourse people would horde plex I do it too for example because itā€™s basicly premium curency and therefore even if EVE went full f2p itā€™d be used for other perks plus isk inflates so itā€™s a no no and items can change value wildly

Not on his own that there heā€™s benefiting off others help through structures boosts protection

Same could be said for ratter in NULLā€¦youā€™re not doing that in hostile systems as you can do it relativity risk free in friendly systems.

Overall nullsec income is a byproduct of bad development than anything else -limitless resources and introduction to more safety mechanics.
Ages ago when I began playing isk came from belt rats and maybe the ocasionaly DED site no limitless anoms mining was normal belts only


Yepā€¦CCP need to turn the taps offā€¦

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I agree, I really do think plex prices are a direct result of the rorquals being able to make so much and that indirectly is making people flock to bigger groups like goons to mine in relative safety with 5 rorq pilots and 3 supers.
At some point the main issue with this is, as it is now, newer and even older players will simply stop playing; i myself have stopped subbing until i cba to grind that sort of isk again which is unlikely, it just takes too much time - and Iā€™m also unemployed so no chance to sub and sell plex instead.
There are also other issues across the globe that may prevent growth within the game because of ailing economies in the real world; even brexit has an effect.

I have absolutely no idea how or what would be done to remedy this but less players means less content which will effect the player base alsoā€¦ anyway, just my two cents :stuck_out_tongue:

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