Private sale

60.8M SP pilot. Positive wallet. No kill rights. NPC Corp. Docked in hi-sec. 2 jump clones also in hi-sec.
I pay transfer fee.

60.8B,as i said

should i send isk to user: Onanonn ?

i go sleep now,tomorrow make it done

I’m here if you want to send the isk now and your info.

Ok, tomorrow is fine. I’m east coast NA so I’ll probably be on a hour or so before downtime.

isk sent ,check your wallet

Just transfer toon to this account.
What else info should i add?
After starting transfer,please tell me when it will complete ,thank you

i have send my account id to you in game by email

Good morning, I replied to your in game mail. I sent you a link, from what I can see you need to go into your Steam settings and set up an Eve account name that I can transfer the character to. If anyone reading this thread knows how to transfer to a steam account feel free to help us out!

good morning.
i will try it,please give me some time

i did it.
i will send my account name in game in 5 mins

OK, good deal!

please tell me when transfer will complete ,thank you

the timestamp on my payment was 13:08, in 10 hours you should have him, he doesn’t show up on my account anymore. Fly as safe as you want!

Thank you for your guidance!
Best Regards.

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