PROBE SCANNER I'VE HAD ENOUGH of having to click a tiny fuckin button

Listen pals, this has been a wild bumpy stupid road. First with the rollout of photon without uniform columns or ANY functional way to change the columns to be uniform, now we have a stupid probe scanner window layout!!

Please add

  1. A bigger button to recall probes (50% want 50% need)
  2. A hotkey ability to pull probes. (100% mandatory do not miss this in the next patch, thanks)

A playlist for a 19th century villain scheming against his enemies - YouTube I was listening to this when writing this out.


Second that, also high prio issue for me. Please just have a “Recall” button next to “Launch”, same size. Or maybe better change the “Launch” button to “Recall” once probes are launched (though this might foster accidental clicks).


I like this way but pretty sure it is too hard for devs :smiley:

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Yes! and please the locations IN GREEN COLOUR like ever

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I agree.
I did not think it was a button at first. It took me more then 40 seconds to find out I’m supposed to click this “thing” if I want my probes back. That’s unacceptable. 40 seconds is enough to get twice blown up. The icon for it doesn’t say “recall probes” to me, it looks more like “give me another shot, bartender”

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Another thing which bothers me with the Probe Window is that the numeric values for strength, deviation and time are now hidden behind icons and only show as tooltips. In the old UI, you had the numeric values and the tooltip would show the composition and component values that calculated this value. This is another case of information obstruction in Photon that definitely does not make the UI “easier to use, cause less cognitive overload, make it more streamlined”.

One more thing that someone pointed out in the Known Issues topic is that the sliders are now way too close to the bottom edge, which leads you to missclicks and accidental window resizing when you want to use the sliders. Another thing where Photon is absolutely not “easier to use, causes less cognitive overload, make it more streamlined”.


Dear Capsuleers, I urge everyone to join the Anti Photon UI EVE Global Strike! Cancel the Omega subscription unless they let us choose whenever we want to use old or new UI as done with the map! Demand your right to turn UI and colors back! No taxation without representation!

No, the Photon UI is generally nice, and in some regards faster / more responsive than the old UI. Not talking about the new features (I won’t go back with single overview). The remaining issues can be forward fixed.

Typical EVE killer words

Yeah, I like Photon in general, but the probe scanner window can definitely use some improvements, based on the design of the old UI.

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I disagree. Good that you like it but there was already an option to opt-out, no idea why they take that out suddenly and force this newer version.

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