Project discovery accessibility

Oh, yes. But you missed one of my points. On my alpha, I got stopped due to not having enough skill points. And then a month later, I was able to start getting levels again. How did I do this? With log-in rewards…

So let’s so some math here. It took about a month for me to get enough skill points to be able to continue to advance up. If you log in every day for a month, you get 75,000 skill points. If your attributes haven’t been remapped, you earn 30 skill points per minute.

75k divided by 30 is 2500 minutes. 2500 divided by 60 is 41 hours, 40 minutes. In less than 2 days of skill learning, I would be back to leveling up Project Discovery.

So, let’s look at my full argument:

Oh, look… the math shows my second point is valid. It would have taken 720 hours (30 days times 24 hours) as an alpha compared to 42 hours. It took 5.8% of the time as an Omega to “unlock” the restriction.

Maybe you’re right about this whole Omega vs. Alpha thing… I think I’ll contact CCP and tell them that they should just lock Project Discovery from Alpha accounts because it’s a form of game play that isn’t an inherent part of Eve Online.

How do you like that solution? Actually, I don’t like it… its too punishing to new players…

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Your problem is the fact that you came here bitching instead of asking how can I do what I want to do. Not even two sentences in you’re complaining about something being so unfair that is your problem that you cannot get the skill points that you need when there is so many ways to acquire the skill points even as an alpha.

If you come here and you act like a civilized person and not liking entitled b**** then yes we are a great community and we will help you every way we possibly can but when you act how you did in your first post, then we will try to help but we’re not going to be nice this is an 18-year-old game just cuz you’re brand new doesn’t mean that they should change to make it easier for you

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oh really, raising a concern in the place I was told you raise them is “bitching” in your books, why exactly does this CSM even exist?..

And frankly I was rather civil in my concern if you actually read it and all I got in response was abuse about entitlement and being an alpha and statements like “train more skills”… and only later did people actually suggest things like skill injectors or point out how omega gets skill points fast enough. I’m done with this, I wont bother ever posting here again.

Frankly I looked up the CSM and the whole idea of having a popularity contest where people can literally buy votes with in game currency to determine who staff actually listen to with regards to feedback seems like a poor idea anyway… Why can’t they just take a look at a forum from time to time?..

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Only one person in here who responded to you is on the CSM (me) and I said nothing about keeping Marshals rare. The price does that.

The point I made is that there’s far more to this game than Project Discovery. While you wait to be able to continue PD, go play the other parts of the game.

If the community team spent all their time reading every pitch made by players, new and old, they’d do nothing but that. And, for the record, most CSM members don’t buy votes. It’s cheaper to actually be popular than to pay to be popular.

The reason, as far as I can tell, that PD is gated by skill points is to stop players from creating multiple alpha accounts and farming the rewards. It has nothing to do with new players, but with the on-going willingness of existing players to min-max and take every opportunity to make easy isk available.

Regardless, again, this is a problem that is solved by time (or you could get some alpha skill injectors off the market) and doesn’t need a development fix, in my opinion.

Since you’re new, I’ll give you some free advice - be very sparing in using the phrase “unfair” when talking about stuff in this game. It is a game inherently about unfairness, and you won’t sway anybody making that kind of an argument. Explain the problem, what the impact is, why it should be changed and what the benefit of the change will be and you’ll find your arguments will be better received.


You’ll find many people on the forums who are just here to crap on anyone who posts any criticism of CCP. Not because they love CCP or because they genuine disagree with what you’re saying, but because they have a troll mentality and want conflict for the sake of conflict.

There is a lot of mental illness on display in these forums.

The reasoning presented makes no sense. I can make 50 alpha accounts through referrals and instantly apply 1 mil skillpoints to each. This 1 mil SP requirement makes no sense and only hurts new players with no upside to the economy or rarity of Marshall BPCs.

A restriction isn’t a punishment. It’s to keep the system from being easily farmed.

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further funding suspended…


Thanks, I have been playing for quite a while now (and have an annual omega subscription) but I stand by what I said. If this was my first interaction with the eve community I would have quit ages ago - fortunately it wasn’t. I have long since stopped doing project discovery as I learned there are much better ways of getting isk/stuff. But I can still relate to the frustrations of a new player who cannot really understand why that restriction exists and would definitely not demand they either get an omega sub or shut up. That being said, I still don’t know if I should bother posting here again. I do have ideas based on my experiences starting on what can be improved (and emailed some to CCP) but cant be bothered dealing with salt.

I’ve only now noticed and caught up with the thread – and it’s over, but have to add that I agree with almost everybody and also that farming my Marshal was the most rewarding three month gaming privilege that I have ever experienced.

When those fancy videos last came out exhibiting our main toon accomplishments for the year, I found I was in the top several percent for logged-in, in-station; farming.

Discovery is a great way for new players to make the early isk they need to get things rolling, but it’s rotten game-play. A decent PI program, some missioning, and exploration in the same amount of time it takes to obtain the bpc will bring you more $ in the end, as the bpc is not the Marshal. It still has to be built and that is not cheap.

There was never a need, and I’ve not bought a single argument to the contrary, for the daily levels to be reduced from the 10 or so they used to be. Only a person who has never sat and gone through it themselves could have made such a call.
No subscriber, really, other than one afk at work and hitting the screen in their off-time through the day perhaps, is going to spend $15 a month for the ‘Marshal end-game’. Sooner or later a sub looks in the mirror and realizes there must be more. The Marshal is not even a great boat, it’s more like a pricey collector’s trinket. It’s true that if you slap cruise launchers on it, along with about $2B in modules, you can make a pretty good Navy Raven, but that’s about it. Now the filthy rich can do things with it, but the filthy rich can do things with most any boat.

They should raise the level limitations, even for alphas as it’s not like they are going to be flying the boats, god-forbid. Marshals have to come from somewhere. Additionally it would help entertain the few venture miners who actually mine for part of their income; which would make ganking them while distracted even easier, so everybody wins, the omegas get to buy Marshals, the alphas get some side-income and a box-full of blue paint jobs (that they can’t sell), and those Pollacky-patterns get sorted into their little boxes in order to further medical science, which once was sold to players to be the point.

For what it’s worth I think you made clear argument for your points ‘Rico’ and I hope CCP in time listens to them.

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