Project Discovery

I miss the old Project Discovery with the exoplanets hunting. Will that return and if so, when?

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You think you’re going to get an answer from CCP? :sweat_smile:

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Lol probably not, just throwing the question out there.


I liked the old Project Discovery too. This latest one is boring af.

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They should at least give you the option to do either the old one or the new one.


They should, yes. That’s what a professional game company does, give its players options, but do you think the people at CCP are pros? The only thing they’re pros about is lure players to a broken game with catchy advertising.

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Sigh… Yeah, especially lately.

Unrelated, but it’d also be nice if they brought Niarja back from Abyssal space and replaced it with Ahbazon.

Yea. Lately has been about forcing players to play a certain way and then turn around and call it open-world without skipping a beat.

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+1000 totally agree.

They only took down Niarja because it stood in the way of their plans to force players into things they don’t want to do and that incessant insistence on Destruction Destruction Destruction… as if we didn’t know that Destruction lines their pocket and player satisfaction and fun in all that…? Non-existant.

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All for the almighty dollar…

Maybe if the devs worked for a commission that was proportional to players’ ratings of the game…

They do, its called how willing players are to pay for things, if you don’t like the direction the game is going then speak with your wallet and don’t consume anything that costs real word money like PLEX or injectors, only money talks


Oh yeah, EVE is technically free to play.

It would be revolutionary in the wold of gaming and we’ll never see it come true. Money is more important than players’ satisfaction in the gaming industry these days.

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Very sad but true…

Like you said, voting with your wallet is much more effective.

It’s not 'free to play It’s only 'free to try but they don’t mention that on Steam, they say 'free to play which is false advertising.

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Isn’t that technically illegal, false advertisement?