If that is what a new player is then you’ve griefed by CCPs and your own defenition. However I suggest you go and actually read the support page.
So at this point you’re not engaged in a debate, you are engaged in a misinformation campaign, so gloves are off bud.
I’ve backed up everything I’ve said with quotes and directed you to the CCP resources where you can find the defenition apparently everyone but you had for new player. It’s not on us to know if you have and use some super secret Lukas only defenition of new player and that you reject the CCP given defenition of new player.
I said I accept given your recent acknowledgement that you don’t know what a new player is according to CCP terms you might not have been admitting what you thought you admitted, however…
-the loudest nerf ganking voice openly admitted to griefing new players himself and was a ganker in the past
the attestation here was that the loudest voice in nerf ganking griefed new players which I’ve shown you admitting to. Hell I didn’t use your name, you are the one that held up that hand and claimed to be that voice and that it wasn’t true causing me to have to fetch your quote.
If all you are going to do is respond with “but no I didn’t” in the face of this evidence then I have nothing else to say because you are either being obtuse or delusional at this point. So enjoy your last words on the subject, everyone else can read the quotes.