Proposal for Rebalancing of the Suicide Gank

He thinks now by writing any old string of letters it somehow changes the meaning of his original post.


Now hes typing. Shhh,

Assuming it is low, wh, null…yes

WH is for sure PvP

No it is your engaging in a ship and no matter how you play it, you die. That isn’t PvP, that is ganking unless you have a scenario where the ganker doesn’t die, then I would have to rethink this a little.

Not sure why you think that is PvP… silly really.


So you never PvP then…


It is natural for older players to leave. The focus on noobs is because that is your next 5-10 subscription base.

And it would be hard to measure it from our point of view. Accounts were created, time played, and what happened up to a point they stopped logging in. CCP has that data, and I don’t see why they would share that with us.

We will have to sit here argue together, wait for China to show us the success and then it is a done deal. Or not and it stays forever.


Your input in every thread you are a part of is garbage. Do you want to try to add something to the thread?

Wait, that would take creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Which are skills not all of us have, unfortunately.


I think he’s trying to communicate, but lacks the skills or knowledge to do so effectively.


I have seen you spell my name. It would help if you spelt it correctly when looking up my zKillboard.

The comment was made in jest anyway, so ultimately it’s all moot.

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Rubbish, her input is highly valued.

She knows what she is doing

Typical get out of jail card.

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Ya, range dictation is really important for the blaster cat. If you loose that, you’re sunk.

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That’s just some silly definition you made up. Since when did the actual definition of PvP include whether a person dies or not ? You remind me of a certain verse…

‘Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel !’

Again the usual dishonesty I have come to expect from the ‘ban ganking’ crowd in their responses. Year old players are not ‘older players’. They’ve barely started the game. You just trot out whatever garbage string of words suits the moment…twisting them to your goal.

Uh, what? Do you not see air-quotes, stupid capitalization, and a silly Trademark symbol, indicating perhaps I was less-than-serious? Or is there a reading comprehension issue?

In case you’re still having trouble, none of what I was saying was being directed to a “she” toon.

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While I would agree sometimes, a stalemate or a draw happens. I don’t think it is the goal. Ganking fundamentally, everyone loses, and that isn’t PvP.

And all definitions are made up by someone.



I was simply taking a stab at you saying you always lose, thus you never PvP.

I will keep my jokes more shallow from now on.

Lots of love.


Having a Tantrum?


Yeah, I got that you were taking a dig at me, did my counter-dig go “whoosh”?

Your comment didn’t even have a hint of being remotely funny. The fact that you even felt the need to “explain” the “joke” should be a sign that the area most in need of improvement is joke-telling.

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lo, it is obvious now that I pointed it out, but you didn’t understand up to this point.

I propose that all suicide ganks get zero drops, only the kill.


I get it, you have a personal vendetta against me on the forums. You’re even necro-ing threads just to make that clear.

I know you’re not going to believe me, but I’m not the one flagging.

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Ok so Ganking Megathread being closed down. So who won in the end?

Also, is this thread the new trash bin for antiganking threads?

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