Maybe you are not flagging, but it is the griefer ways I suppose. Again just point out the toxicity Suicide Gank brings to the game.
And I don’t hate you or even look for you lo, you are just active most of the time, it is a statistical thing. And I feel like we have some history and you want fall off into the deepend on me.
It must be two of me, which I find hard to believe. But not a part of Eve Uni. Just NPC corp, but maybe one day, the plan for JJ is proving grounds in high sec once his skill is in better order.
PvP…literally ‘player vs player’. Undercutting someone’s price in the market is PvP. Going out and mining some corp’s asteroid belts that they think they ‘own’ is PvP. Half a dozen catalysts descending on a ship is definitely PvP.
You can’t just leave things out of the definition just because you don’t like them.
Also, things are not PvE ‘or’ PvP…some are both. Mining is PvE, but given that there is competition between players for ore it can just as well be considered PvP.
True statement, but seriously I would not go through all the trouble to make a alt on the side, to make it the exact name I already have. My Eve Meta is much deeper than that. That is rookies .
PvP means ‘player versus player’…where does it mention combat ? Any situation where a player is ‘versus’ another player…which could equally include the markets…is by definition PvP.
‘Cyber war’ is war even if not a single bullet gets fired or bomb dropped. It’s no different in Eve. Corporations can fight economically. That is every bit as much PvP as any use of DPS.
I mean competitive but I don’t think PvP, I think Shipwreck Jones said similar things, I don’t see it, apply for a Null corp and tell them all your PvP experience seating in a station…