Proposal for Rebalancing of the Suicide Gank

I love when you gas light yourself :smiley:

Lol. See the difference between me and you is that I can happily post my losses and cockups and laugh at them. Unlike those who take it all so seriously that the entire universe disappearing in a vacuum fluctuation is waaaaay less serious than some space pixels being ganked.


I made a thd about my favorite loss just to try to get others to loosen up. I would have applied to them, but I didn’t think they would trust me after such a loss. Opportunity’s lost…

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That is indeed an objective fact, which we have gone over before in a thread that got closed.
Here it is again, the earlier quote:

Now, on to the total of the available data:

You forget that people like Scipio did not filter on “ganked” in the zkb database when downloading data, but rather pulled everything regardless of labels and then tried to come to a conclusion. His conclusion is very clear, it’s the one you failed to quote:

"But otherwise, the only reasonable conclusion appears to be - anyone who claims to know the facts and what the truth is for smaller ships, is talking out their arse ."

And that, dear correspondent, includes new player ship losses.


The important thing in Eve is not whether you make a mistake…but whether you keep on making the same mistake. Unlike the perpetual cry babies, I regard an initial red killboard as a good kick up the ass and motivation…its only when one gets to 200 red and no blue that one is officially useless.

I see miners in Isanamo get ganked twice in the same barge in the space of 30 minutes. Clearly the lessons were not learned the first time.


Hench why my favorite conspiracy theory is the whales keep the game afloat.

From experience, any of my losses of a stealth bomber was a happy loss. And not only after a successful (or not) bomb launch, but for the psychological factor if nothing else. Strike fear into their hearts !

Unfortunately your thread was closed ages ago, or I would post a few of mine :grin:

My most memorable one was my first Legion loss, in PvE (yes, it still smarts, and still makes me blush. I was a very young clone in those days).

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Attitude. Some players have it. Others cry.


And we must teach them to dry their tears, learn a few tricks, finally play the game and get on with it.

If it were only that easy. Not the same player base anymore.

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Can’t say I’ve had any major losses, but the most embarrassing one was getting zapped by a Triglavian entropic disintegrator because I was too busy in corp chat as I drifted away from a station. It was like ’ why am I suddenly in a pod ?’

On second thoughts, in keeping with the thread theme, I was severely emotionally disturbed by this and now need therapy and will get Lucas to champion the good fight against distress caused by Triglavians to noob alt accounts.


Not sure. Perhaps if the game would attract players of similar age as it did a decade ago, I don’t think there would be that much difference. The age of a new player these days does seem to be inversely proportional to the chance he/she will make it through the first half year or so, but perhaps most of that comes from the bad conditioning they had from playing contemporary games.
But even then, I remember our youngest member in Sev3rance, he was barely 16 and frighteningly good at EvE. Attitude is indeed a thing.

We had a guy come in at that age. (Yrs ago now) By the time he had to leave for RL, he was good! College, we wished him well!

The percentage is growing smaller.

How to deal with fear should be another topic.

Ships are ammo ?

While very true. There should be a less brutal training program! :laughing:

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I think the day I no longer get the jitters on undocking will be the day I no longer enjoy Eve. This is precisely why ganking and other factors do not need ‘balancing’. Everyone should undock in fear. Everywhere.


I usually consider the ship I’m flying already lost and I’m trying to postpone the inevitable… So being able to dock with it again is a happy thing, a reward of sorts, haha.

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I would like to see better training, so everyone undocks with confidence. We all lose ships. Better players just lose less.

After thinking about it, I had laugh at myself.

You can’t train those who want an award for just showing up.

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