Proposal for Rebalancing of the Suicide Gank

New Eden is not ready for his level of knowledge, seriously.

LOL. Kids who learn about monocellular organisms make the “God is an amoebe” joke. They know it’s a joke. You took it as a fact. Told you before that your logic is flawed. To help you: you are the one equating ganking with griefing, that’s the flaw.
Anyway, ignoring my posts about real griefing doesn’t make them go away :stuck_out_tongue:

You realize what’s wrong with this statement right?

Uh. Who gon tell him LOL.

Something-something “basement-dwelling incels” was the insult slung, if my memory serves right.

I missed that. So the research has been done? Can you link it or do you know which thread and which post number was it at least roughly?

The conclusion of the author is spot on, and not unexpected for anyone who knows what the limits are on published datasets.




No, you don’t refute what someone says by inventing some silly hypothetical you just made up and doing a sort of Cathy Newman ’ so you’re saying that…’ on it.

I’m not refuting what you’re saying, I’m taking what you’re saying and seeing if you genuinely believe it by testing with an example you’d disapprove of. It seems that you do think it’s possible for a mechanic to be overpowered.

Of course in many games they can be. Ganking doesn’t happen to be one of them :smiley:

You’ve already admitted it isn’t actually a problem :smiley:

You inspired me to make how to get ganked and why ganking is a problem

There’s nothing wrong with the mechanics of ganking. The DPS to ships required ratio varies nicely according to system security level…which is totally in accordance with 0.5 systems being less safe than 1.0 systems. If people choose to mine, haul, or whatever in 0.5 systems they know there is added risk. What’s the problem ?

Now that I’ve actually been ganking…I see even more how all the strategies for avoiding being ganked come into play. The Hulk that was ganked could have avoided it. They could have spotted the scout drawing in close ( I’m always suspicious if any other ship draws close for no good reason ). They could have added my corp’s ganker wing to bad standing…and would have noticed 4 of us suddenly enter the system. They even had time between us entering the system and arriving in which they could have tried to flee. And add more time to that as we then had to lock target, scram, etc.

None of it was a foregone conclusion. None of it was ‘overpowered’. One of the gankers ( me ) even ended up too far away from the target and had a desperate solo attempt at a different target and failed. Where’s the ‘overpowered’ in all this ?

Herro denizens of New Eden!

Today I’d like to discuss what are some ways you use to avoid le gank, and why, as we were all educated, ganking isn’t a problem for veterans.

  1. Learn How to Use F10
    -Turn on ships blapped in the last hour
    -If you see a high number, ganking is most likely active there
    -Plan a better route
    -Use scouts
    -Split the shipment so that it doesn’t hurt as much
    -Real g’s move in silence like lasagna

  2. Fit The Ship
    -Don’t fit for yield, fit for tank
    -Dbl tank those bad boys, shield and hull
    -Learn how to cloak without cloaking

  3. Logistics
    -Plan your activities in systems that aren’t frequented by gank squads
    -Learn to love watching local
    -Cultivate friendships with system regulars, advance warning is always good

I’m sure there are many more :smiley:

Please share your tips and tricks!

Because as we all know, ganking isn’t a problem for veterans, so share those tips here so that we may spread the word that ganking isn’t a major problem in New Eden :smiley:


I hope I can clear this up.

In Lucas’ definition, ‘counter-play’ seems to imply a positive, aggressive response to the challenge of The Gank.

From the point of view of the target, there can be no positive, aggressive response, because he has been taken unawares. That’s what a gank is, of course.

Thus, Lucas perhaps believes (he’ll correct me if I’m wrong…) that there is no direct counter to ganking, from the target.

In this case, the only possible positive, aggressive interventions come from NPCs, Anti-Ganking, or allies of some sort.

To ‘counter’ a thing is to ‘oppose’ it. You could do so passively, using avoidance, or any other of the many suggested strategies.

So, there is (in my mind at least) active counter-play and passive counter-play.

Now to the chessboard!

If your Queen threatens my Rook, and I move him out of the way in consequence, that is a passive counter-play. I have countered your impudence by temporarily getting out of harm’s way.

But if, in making my move, I am now able to apply pressure to your Bishop, and 'Mate in 4 moves, that temporary retreat has become a counter-attack, an active, positive, aggressive counter-play.

I think there’s room for ‘passive counter-play’ as a description for viable options in warding off the Ebil Gonker.

But I don’t hold out high hopes…


Broadly, yes. Counterplay is something you do to counter an action another user is taking. This in turn causes them to need to react, which then causes you to need to react, etc. This back and forth creates engaging, challenging gameplay. Avoidance isn’t counterplay because it’s just the ability to opt out of the engagement. In my view all direct PvP mechanics should have viable counterplay and by not having this ganking effectively becomes a race against concord rather than a back and forth between players where you’re pitting your skill against theirs.

Your chess analogy is a little off as your pieces are parts of your play, they aren’t independently avoiding, you’re just moving them to prevent “damage” effectively. That would be more akin to increasing your transversal or pulling out of range as part of combat.

Yea well, that was a dumpster fire of a post my boy :smiley:

Also, you forgot that they consented right as they undocked :smiley:

But it is :smiley: Because you’re using in game tools to avoid. Hence counter :smiley:

Very likely, Lucas.

In the Real World, no chess player worth the name would make a defensive move purely in order to escape a threat…

Ya, it’s done in Sobaseki.

The closest hub I have to Jita is Uedama, and that’s only because apparently it’s impossible to set up a market in Uedama.

He’s just going to argue you into submission using semantics and interpretation of definitions. It’s a moot point anyway.

Any good EvE pvper knows that avoidance can be good counterplay tactic.