Proposal for Rebalancing of the Suicide Gank

A revolution is like a crime. It requires motive, means, and opportunity.

The Gatekeepers would never allow this.

I know a nice place in Iralaja. Care for some coffee?Maybe dinner?

What in the quafe are you babbling about?

You are starting to use this word far too often…

btw the shipment is coming just wait a few more days!

This would be more relevant if it was… well, relevant.

You’d be well served to respond on-topic to what the person you’re trying to argue against was saying, acting this way makes your argument look worse for your involvement in it.

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Bro quafe is a supreme bev.

Oh? You engage in the complexity right now.

It’s why you’re hiding your mains behind Lucas.

It’s why you won’t tell the nubs your tactics :smiley:

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(post deleted by author)

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Plot twist: Lucas is the main.


It’s so easy in fact, that you can play it AFK. Says so right on the box. Or so you claim.

Btw, have you found on the box where it says AFK is core gameplay mechanic? I don’t know why you keep avoiding answering this question.

As much as you’ve tried to prove otherwise, I don’t believe that you’re actually stupid enough to believe this. You are - as you have done many times before - deliberately cherrypicking here, not doing so by accident. You’ve picked out one line which, only when removed from the context surrounding it, looks like it could plausibly be saying something you can ague against, then setting fire to your strawman and not even using that to target the main argument, but as an ad hominem attack on the other side of the discussion. I consider it possible for someone to have made either ONE of those mistakes in isolation alongside SOME of your prior “mistakes” of similar nature, but you’ve demonstrated such a consistent pattern of doing so with your previous and ongoing conduct here that you can no longer hold up that veil of “I’m just that stupid” and have shown your calculated abuse for what it is. You are very well aware of the point that was being made, and you’re choosing to misreprecent it in order to try and demean the person you’re speaking to. Whether you’re doing this aggressively for malicious reasons, or defensively because you feel attacked, doesn’t change that you’re being abusive. And you might be sincerely just trying to “fight back” against people hurting you, but this isn’t the appropriate way to do that, and you really need to step back and re-evaluate your position and what you really want here.

You’ve had multiple new players - not just me - pointing out that your arguments are at best a misguiided attempt to protect us that will cause harm instead. You’ve had multiple veterans who have been around longer than you, who also address this same concern, with good reasons to back their arguments up - the new players ourselves being some of those reasons. You’ve demonstrated a willful ignorance of the reality of the situattion at best and made it seem far, FAR more likely that you’re deliberately misrepresenting people’s comments and misquoting people to try and further twist their statements into something you think you can use to make yourself not look as bad as if you tried to debate the actual topics people are raising against your argument here.

I’m sorry for having previously gone out of my way to give you the benefit of the doubt on this. You really are being deliberately abusive toward the community, and that includes being intentionally abusive to new players. But also, thank you for taking it far enough to show that you really are just that much of a waste of forum space.

I will consider responding to your messages with more care going forward. If you seem to be eengaging in abuse, deliberate misinformation, gaslighting, or other destructive behaviours, I’m going to simply report your post and move on. If you respond to something with a comment that could be taken - even from you with how badly you’ve destroyed my opinion of you - as a legitimate misunderstanding, I’ll point it out. And I hope you’ll post something that’s actually productive, because even though you’ve given me plenty of reason to dislike you, I don’t think you’re an idiot, and that opens up the possibility that you actually have a credible and relevant point buried somewhere in the things you should have been saying all along. If you start opening up about what you’re really trying to do and why, and start really listening to the counter-arguments and responding to the actual points being made instead of your less than paper-thin strawmen you’ll find that you can learn from this conversation in some ways, and potentially help others to learn in others. You’ve lost all my respect, but not all my hope for your future. Please, do better.


(post deleted by author)

If ganking undermines player retention, why doesn’t CCP do anything to stop me from ganking? It’s almost like CCP wants me to gank…


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He’s responding to my quote from the French revolution…which translates ’ the revolution devours its own children’. The removal of agency in the name of ‘protecting’ people led to one of the most infamously badly named institutions in history…the Committee For Public Safety. Under whom no-one was safe !

The point being…be wary of every little pocket tyrant who claims to be acting in the best interests of the underdogs and oppressed. Very often they make those people’s lives worse and are more concerned for their own comfort than of those they claim to represent.

Not that anyone like that would post here…of course.

Periodic reminder:


More to the point…if ganking undermines player retention then howcome it hasn’t done so for most of the time ganking has existed ( at least 10 years or so ) but its only in the past 2 years or so that player numbers have fallen off. That strongly suggests ganking is not the cause.

I’m ganking right now.

Nobody is trying to stop me. No antigankers. No CCP.

I don’t need to debate in the forums, I’m doing it right now.


(post deleted by author)

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The trouble is that you are so selective with your ‘CCP says…’, cherry picking tiny snippets here and there, that you could probably argue the Moon is made of cream cheese and quote CCP on it. The rest of us look at the broader picture.

I’m still ganking.