[PROPOSAL] HAC balance: Cerberus damage type change

lol i take it it’s the aforementioned crap pilots that engage an arty munnin

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I think CCP is at least going on the right direction now. They nerfed the Orthrus’s mobility and defense (they did it by reducing the PG), and your plan will be a good way of nerfing its utility (control power). I agree the nerf has not been enough and Orthrus is still OP at its current status.

Back to the Cerb. I don’t see any problem if the polarHAM fit can do 1k OMNI damage at 60km. It is a 0 resist no defense glass cannon that is slow and has poor ability of controlling range unlike the Orthrus.

Anyway I hope CCP or some CSMs will get aware of the kin lock problem and at least have another DNI-style experiment on the Cerb in the next HAC balance pass.

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… its range is its defense and it’s a damn good one.

it is not all that slow and it has plenty of control in a fleet.

no… it nerfed nothing with the actual fits of the orth. it made it harder for it to fit extenders and mwd problem was none of the broken fits ever used an extender.

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