[Proposal]How to roll back Surgical Strike Resistance Nerfs and deal with Supercap Proliferation

You obviously don’t understand how resist mods/rigs stack.

So your issue is with bnis tanking less. Use a different ship 0\ thread

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BNI’s are just an example.

Every buffer armor ship has the same problem now.

-damage mod for +1 resist mod.

And the shield kiters make no changes!

Also start listening to video at 17 minutes


So you have a theory. With no evidence.

Gentlemen, may I suggest this entire thread be moved to Forum Feedback & Requests? This conversation really doesn’t belong here, as this isn’t expressly something for the CSM and CCP to respond to, and you haven’t framed or asked direct questions for the CSM Candidates (myself included) to respond to.

Math is evidence. You can listen to that video at 17:00.

When are heavy bombers coming?

Are you considering rolling back resist changes for subcaps using resist mods?

You claim you want to make the Muninn less attractice in CSM 14 minutes. So why would you severely nerf armor doctrines in their weakest resist hole…only makes it easier to blap them with Shield+arty boats (aka Muninn).

There’s a 4-5 minute segment in the above video where he talks about heavy armor (subcap) doctrines in wormholes being aggravated by the resist changes.

I’m not even a wormholer and I could tell that subcap armor doctrines are devastated by the resist mod change by the simple virtue of math (I made this OP before I watched Jintaans interview).

I am done trying. Nothing but calls for the wahmbulance and no proof of any huge change.

I feel a great disturbance in the maths; as if High School maths teachers everywhere cried out, and sighed in defeat.

May the Fourth be with you.

Math is proof.

You cannot dispute that a change from 25% to 20% in the weakest resist hole results in a 17.4% nerf to EHP against that damage type upon trickle stacking.

There is nothing to argue. Math cannot be disputed.

You’re also invited to listen to @Loroseco_Kross video link above at the 17 minute mark. He explains the same general dilemma faced by heavy armor doctrines in wormholes.

How many times are we going to have to repeat this? Math is a theory. Proof of the theory would be that your (or my) armor tank fits are failing more often than before.

We are not arguing mathematical proofs (which is what you keep offering) that one number is different than another. Everyone agrees with that.

Where is your proof that this translating to more (or in your words many) armor fits blowing up? Because I am not seeing that proof.

I like the idea of heavy bombers but:

  1. Why shouldn’t they use XL Torps instead of jumping to citadel weapons?

  2. As you describe them, heavy bombers would get absolutely rekt by HAC fleets. I guess this isn’t neccesarily a bad thing as it promotes the need to have subcap superiority on grid… but I think that your iteration of H bombers wouldn’t have very much impact on the current meta.

Here’s two ideas I had on the topic (that nobody asked for):

  1. Make the triangle ships more extreme. Longer ramp time and higher damage cap. This would punish the use of supercaps in scenarios where you can’t clear subcaps off grid. Imagine if an Ikki fleet could keep ramping for 10 minutes to some stupid high dps number. This would have to be balanced by reducing the base damage (making triangles less oppressive in normal subcap engagements, which is also a beneficial change).

  2. A new weapon system that literally scales with the opponents ship size. Would need to use ship mass instead of sig radius to avoid TP spam abuse. Some sort of gravity manipulator that causes a ship to collapse onto itself, which is more impactful on ships with more mass. The exact implentation of that I’d leave up to someone with more IQ than me, but I think the base idea of a ship/weapon that scales damage up on mass is solid. Could even let it affect the actual mass stat to allow for meme wormhole gameplay (increasing a targeted ships mass so much that it can’t jump back through a hole).

Math is math.

17% = 17%.

There is a mention in the latest CSM minutes of subcaps getting some sort of Triv like ramp up on supers only.

The #1 problem with supercaps is that they cannot be engaged by the “filthy noob 99% of EvE”, which is why there are so many of them built (compared to destroyed).

Who cares? That is not the point. How is that translating to actual practice? My experience is that there is not a large change in how many ships I lose. How many ships have you actually lost? Or are you just whining without actually testing?

Looking at your killboard, you don’t seem to lose anything…because you don’t even PvP.

And wtf is this (you’re only PvP loss))

Either fit pure T1 (for cheapness) or full tier 2. And why hybrid collision rig when you already have THREE magstabs (tech2). It’s not even a 2% dps increase.

And how exactly did you expect to get in range with that catalyst. Even a 50,000MWD capital ship can outrun your blasters.

You don’t even know how to fit your own ships son.

General word of advice, hull tank a catalyst with a 5MN MWD and use 2 magstabs (DCU in third low slot).

and you try to change the goal posts AGAIN

the question was prove to me that you are losing more ships with armor fits after the change

not that 7 = 7 or what my PvP skills are, but that you are being severely affected by the changes

If you can’t or won’t do it then STFU and HTFU … son

Get a killboard going.

17% = 17%.

Good day.

You don’t have to prove that 17% = 17%.

In mathematics: A = A.

Also armor fleets have been affected. -1 damage mod in exchange for +1 resist mod.

Armor already (prepatch)
Aligns slower.
Moves slower on the field.
Cannot disengage (usually).
Already fitted less damage mods than shields (usually).

Surgical Strike only made the Muninn a more attractive option, meanwhile they expressly stated in the CSM minutes that they wanted to make the other HACS more attractive and make the Muninn less attractive.

Oh yeah, let’s not forget that the Muninn has insane EM shield resists (which removes the Zealot and Amarr laser hulls in general). They get those resists innately as well.

As of right now, all serious subcap fleet engagements are balanced around the Muninn, and the Muninn got stronger thanks to surgical strike.