Ok, this may have been address before, if so I’m sorry.
First off, while local chat is a powerful intel tool in null. I think it needs to be adjusted in use.
I don’t want to completely remove it though.
My thoughts are for local chat in null to be linked to a new structure.
-should be small enough that a group of 5-10 non-capital fleet can reasonably expect to take it down.
(note: I believe no weapons should be allowed on the structure, the take down requirement is strictly for the dps needed to destroy the beacon - if the holder musters an omgwtf defense fleet, your loss.)
-limit anchor rights to Sov holder.
-have a monthly isk cost for use. fee not applied, local goes down.
-limit 1 per system, with a cost increase per extra the Sov holder places. (Expectation: cost of 1 should be reasonable to maintain for a small Sov holder, while growing to larger numbers should pose a considerale isk cost to maintain for even a larger Sov holder.)
-anchoring restrictions should place it far enough away from other structures that defenses cannot directly defend local beacon.(Note: I see this as meaning that ships directly attacking the beacon need not worry about being attacked by another space structure. This is not to say leading up to, or near yet outside of range.)
-anchoring time - from placement to online should be around 24hrs.
-no change to how local behaves when a beacon is online.
-local linked to lore, being operated by corp/faction in npc space/low/high.(note: this should mean local is always alive in npc null.)
The overall goal to this idea is, While I done think null should lose its intel stream, I do think it should have to work for it considering the isk stream available vs the safety a properly run intel network can provide.
It can provide a way for a smaller guild/alliance to effect a larger one. loss of local in a system for 24hrs can effect income streams or force a temp blind spot for staging purposes. Or to simply annoy a neighbor.
Adding a need for a Sov holder tto actively defend its intel network. having systems unpopulated and far from the main systems can become harder to maintain as a small group can hinder your network. while creating natural blind spots in non-sov or undersupported sov space.
With a monthly isk cost adding another way in which ccp can manage isk supply.
My expectation is to see this structure, if undefended, to be taken down reasonably quickly.
I would love to hear feedback. Especially concerning timers and the like.