I don’t think so. I checked your math.
That doesn’t mean it won’t be deleted for you saying bad things about ISDs and their moderation, though.
Mr Epeen
I don’t think so. I checked your math.
That doesn’t mean it won’t be deleted for you saying bad things about ISDs and their moderation, though.
Mr Epeen
I LOLed IRL! Well done.
Mr Epeen
No no, if it will be deleted, it will be for the bad word “meth”, since words like that or “slave” need to be censored now.
Well I didn’t say anything bad about the ISDs, and I’m pretty sure they’re just following orders anyway.
That was just a Freudian slip.
/me grinds teeth
I think that’s for them to decide.
Mr Epeen
Isnt there a sizeable portion of the player base that would gleefully laugh at you and say “its just pixels bro” if you were here complaining about your time spent being “cheapened” in any way, shape or form by them destroying something of yours?
Im not singling you out here, but this whole thread… Man.
Why is it that people in MMOs ever, for the love of god presume to think that their loyalty, their time invested, their skill or any of that would ever, ever trump the almighty dollar?
There have been more than enough examples of games shifting their focus away from what they started on that this should not come as a surprise to any of you.
And this is the game that champions throwing the phrase “HTFU” at folks. Did you imagine that didnt apply to you as well?
CCP has decided to do this. You can either HTFU in the face of it, or “go back to hello kitty online”,
Isnt that the phrase, my guys?
This is truly disgusting behavior from CCP.
This game and universe has absolutely gone down the shitter.
Yeah, this is a bad road to be going down and the CSM IS saying so to CCP. I, personally, like telling new players that almost everything in the game was made by players like themselves. This sort of thing makes that a lie.
BTW for the record? I agree that the fit is bad and the guy who joked about meth was funny, I thought it was a purposeful twisting of terms.
I’ve advocated for CCP just straight-up starting new players with like 10 million SP, and using that as the baseline for all other SP accumulation/trading mechanics.
How is it that someone can graduate a super-advanced naval academy and get trained in piloting some of the most advanced pieces of technology in the galaxy, but still have their pantaloons be full of dookie because they never learned Toilet Paper I?
Like picking ones class in a sword and board.
Doesnt make you an almighty warrior, but you have to be halfway talented at something by adulthood, ne?
I’m just glad that CCP made it official that “there has never been a better time to go mining.”
This should almost eliminate any complaints from miners in these forums…right?
But if they do… youll be right there, waiting.
Waiting, for the reactions of players that… arent you…
I cant wait till i get my next pay check, screw waiting years waiting to fly this thing. Im happy as hell. Thnx CCP.
I have a busy life and cant wait like some of these people.
Don’t worry, in 6 months all ships will be available in the Eve Marketplace and the ore mined in these free retreivers won’t be worth jack ■■■■.
Didn’t we go through this with Incarna?
I have almost zero issues with this. CCP needs money to keep the lights on and this might help a bit.
As long as there are isn’t an advantage in-game and that the buyer of the package knows that the ship they are getting can go boom at anytime outside a station, this is a MINOR inconvenience to those that build Retrievers.
Yet more misplaced tantrums…Funny how everyone just accepts botting that totally borks the economy but sell something for $$$ and the world is ending…again…
@Loki_Yamaguchi No one supports botting. Search these very forums for the posts bitching about blatant botting…
The rest of your points are nonsense so I’ll not even address them until you show clear evidence that “everyone just accepts botting that totally borks the economy”
…except people are not screaming about it as they should be. I also never said people “support” botting so please don’t misrepresent my position.
The rest of your points are nonsense so I’ll not even address them until you show clear evidence that these ship packs are harmful to the game right now.
ps. …and ya, go search the forums for “botting” and you my be disappointed with what you see. Heck, people talk about hunting them as a profession.