Wow, looks like I unsubscribed at the right time again …
That tips everything overboard as far as Im concerned.
Goodbye Eve.
Wow, looks like I unsubscribed at the right time again …
That tips everything overboard as far as Im concerned.
Goodbye Eve.
Can I have your stuff?
Sure honeybunny. I’ll contract it later.
AND avoid the grind to train for and acquire such a ship.
REVENGE ! … i love that line on the add lol
This is - in my opinion and view - exactly the problem with this. I get the argument that you could also include just more PLEX in this pack and people would have to buy the ship and equipment on the open market, so it’s more for “convenience” and easier access only. Issue is that if you got the PLEX instead you would have to convert to ISK and from there you could have to use the player-driven economy? This way this gets completely circumvented or am I missing something here?
I am not a fan of this. It defeats the purpose of mining ore for the purpose of refinement and manufacturing.
This breaks the industry sandbox. The PvP aspect of the sandbox will need to discourage this idea.
As an industrialist just getting started, I support this suggestion wholeheartedly.
They won’t. Most new players don’t know there’s no ship respawn point like in Star Trek Online. I didn’t know when I first joined until someone in Rookiechat told me there is no place safe, not even in highsec. The screeching of tires sound that followed was me changing my priorities to focus on making smaller ships work more efficiently rather than go big. I learned an important rule that day.
Those who buy this will be furious after they lose it.
That’s provably false. Search these very forums for the posts of bot apologists saying it’s fine…
Mr Epeen
We can see actions taken by CCP to combat botting. Whether they work or not is debatable.
Both both the player base and CCP are aligned on that. Could CCP be doing more……. Absolutely. But you can’t compare an issue with mutual agreement to one where there an obvious disagreement.
As for whether or not this will be harmful to the game. Best case scenario they don’t sell that many. Everything goes on as usual. But a precedent has been set.
Worst case scenario they sell lots and it swings ship and ore prices in game. On top of that a successful offer will mean they will want to replicate it. So the next event could start selling Battleships which require different components and creep into more aspects of gameplay.
I have seen you in the other thread making reference to “well they arnt doing that yet. We can only talk about what they are doing today”. To which I would say:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.
Then the came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.
This pack is a clear statement of intent in my eyes for what CCP sees as the future. I am of the opinion it is bad. Therefore I speak out. You may not agree and that’s fine but……
Anyway you cut it it’s devaluing miners and industrialists and impacting the economy in a way CCP should not be impacting the economy. That may be a big effect or a very miner one as you have indicated. It’s just many people think a miner effect is unacceptable .
I’ve also seen the “if you don’t like it. Don’t buy it argument”. Which ok at face value is fair enough. Until you consider that CCP are not targeting players that understand Eves economy. The players that are being targeted by this offer are straight out of the NPE and won’t fully understand how interconnected eve is. If they don’t understand that they are paying over the odds for the ship in this pack then they certainly wont understand the larger implications for the game. They will just see a way to get a ship quickly. They can’t make an informed decision about the pack in that context. And that isn’t a criticism. We have all been there I guess. But it does expose the cynicism of this offer.
Ive been playing the crap out of that game the last few weeks.
It really has gotten a lot better. I’m not a fan of the nuTrek content but the overall game is starting to shine.
Botting does not bork the economy of the game at all. Anything bots use is being created ingame with ingame materials and ingame time. They can flood the game with ISK, sure, but that doesn’t bork the economy because prices just go down or up depending on supply of things and demand for things. If a bot Super or Ishtar dies, someone had to mine the ore/minerals, spend time building the ship, sell it to the botter and the death removes this material value from the game. A botter can’t do anything without the economy of the game.
This pack, however, actually borks the economy because you get a ship and modules from thin air. No one needed to mine for them. No one needed to spend time and the mined materials to produce the things. No one needed to use the market to sell these things. No one needed to fly them to the point of usage or resale. They just pop into existence by completely circumventing 95% of the entire game economy. Worse still, they produce more materials that aren’t necessarily consumed anymore because eventually people can just keep buying these ships for RL cash and skip the entire economy part of the game.
Bots don’t do nearly as much damage to the economy as the idea and principles behind this pack and previous iterations do. It’s hilarious but botting does less damage to the game than CCP. And what’s even more hilarious is the fact that CCP kept boastfully claiming how botting invalidated play styles but now they remove entire careers from the game by selling ships for RL cash. The real hypocrites here are CCP.
You know the CSM came about because of T2BPO’s, they are still in the game.
I have 0 issue with CCP selling ships for $ in a game where T2BPO exists, it honestly does not matter.
What is bad for new players is apparently not bad for the current CSM hypocrites. Forget those losers, nothing but a circle jerk. CSM needs to end.
Well said, in a game with rampant botting, T2BPO, off the hook GM’s & so the CSM swims through the cesspit leaving 1000’s to drown to save the 4m ISK retreiver market.
What a bunch of fools, hahah.
They came about to avoid debacles like T2 bpos from happening again.
CCP creating ships out of thin air is such a debacle.
And yes, I agree that T2 bpos are a problem, but that’s not the topic of this discussion.
Ok don’t worry after this retreiver it’ll never happen again, operation success like T20.
You hear that @Merkelchen , you can go on hitaus from Eve O again.
This isn’t a big deal because CCP is simply unwilling to price their packs competitively. As explained in my previous post, they’re basically selling you a 60-million-ISK ship for 420 million ISK. Unless they start actually undercutting market producers with their prices, these packs will sell in such marginal quantities that they’ll have zero practical effect on the economy. And CCP’s greed will ensure that they’ll never price them competitively.
It is and I’ve made sure of it. No one should give a single toss about a 4m ISK retreiver margin amongst the tn’s of a decade of lost T2 margins.
Anyone who does looks like either a hypocrite or dumb as a rock.