Proving Grounds Event Final Leaderboards


Welcome to EVE!

sure EVE is a game surrounded by thievery, lies, deception, and corruption but it’s also a game that involves honesty, trust, integrity and sportsmanship.

best of both worlds my friend, best of both worlds

Exactly, some play the arena honestly, others rig it, this is the EVE way. :wink:

See below

Collusion is a preferable option to not having any fights at all. If it bothers you so much start queuing up.

Here is the current scoreboard

it attracts plenty of people when it’s a good format.

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I would like to give my feedback on the abyssal pvp events that I’ve experienced so far.

First of all it had been my vision to create these kinds of arenas myself from the getgo ever since I started eve back in 2010.

Competitive pvp has always interested me in that regards.

Regarding the spirit of competition and sportsmanship, the ability to collude using alts to farm wins needs to go.

A simple 1 client restriction to enter an arena would be in place. the same type of restriction that prevents more than 1 alpha account to be used.

Another amazing feature would be to be able to spectate the arenas both from a 3rd person view as from the pilot’s perspective.

People love leaderboards, and I’m not sure where all this is going in the future but it would be great to have a feature where you are able to enter wagers for x amount of isk on matches where the winning team takes home the isk pool for said match. This in turn would be yet another isk sink for a percentage would be paid to CCP. This could in turn contribute to leaderboard statistics in terms of isk won/lost.

And last but not least, I really feel that competitive eve pvp has the potential to be an esport and be a part of competitive gaming

From a marketing perspective this would make CCP and Pearl Abyss an added amount of revenue due to a lot more people wanting to play eve, and play eve on another level.

All in all these arenas are an incredible amount of fun, so thank you to all who have been and are involved in the makings and development of this platform.


Did anyone else not get their Abyssal Omen Skin? I put in a ticket, but just curious.

I received Thorax and rifter skin for the cruiser ffa.

ok so im thinking they missed one, cuz the Omen was part of the rewards, and kinda the whole reason i did it. ill see how my ticket resolves.

Which one gave the omen? I don’t have it either

This one, the rewards were the Thorax, Rifter and Omen skins, no Omen skin was in my rewards this morning.

in that case ditto

5 whole spots were taken by cheaters and their alts on this one (Cable Uta, Red F1ve, Weeborg1, Suitonia, Tikktokk Tokkzik). Do something CCP.

CCP teamed themselves in one of the events. It is not against any rules

have they gotten back to you yet about the omen?

They have not, someone checked my ticket but its still open. ill add something back to it on monday.

Got my GM response, it looks like it was pulled form rewards on accident. I think we all should be seeing it in our login rewards. I got mine, idk how long it will take for the rest.


@CCP_Convict Event 8 was be 1 vs 1 Frigates

when will the reward for 2v2 cruiser be distribute?