Proving Grounds Event Final Leaderboards

We also have capital scanning rigs. None of them are directly competing for attention in the same category of instanced arena pvp, though.

@CCP_Convict when are we going to have our rewards and for how much time will they be redeemable?


And go for another no life ranking ā€¦ FFA destroyers

  • Honestly I would not be proud of being at the top of that ranking. Only thing it state is that you should get a life! ā€¦ AHHA

how do i find the leaderboard?

open the neocom tab - activities - proving grounds

@CCP_Convict how do tie breakers work for top 100? There are several people tied at 26 wins for FFA, and some have a better k/d than those that made it in the the last 3 spots. Or does everyone at the win cut off of 26 get prizes?

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@CCP_Convict Reality is these leaderboards are pointless in the current iteration of 2v2 and FFA. The current meta is to get as many alts to join in FFA or spend 10b a ship in 2v2 to maximize winning. This detracts from the point of all this which is to have somewhat balanced loadouts/hulls for players to test skill, and lower tha barrier to entry for newer players. Instead it is filled with collusion, tryhards, and wallet warriors abusing the system as much as possible to get that top spot. So as I stated in the beginning these leaderboards mean NOTHING until the issues get resolved. Until then it is just a statistic some guys with serious egos can jerk off to.

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better would still be an elo based leaderboard

ELO has itā€™s own problems. There is a reason Magic: The Gathering moved away from it years ago.

One of them being ELO discourages competition at the top. Often times once reaching a sufficient rating players no longer compete because they are at risk of losing far more ElO points/rating than they can gain.

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Feels bad man

Why are you rerunning skin prizes?

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People are tending to irrationally get stuck on the fact ELO has some issues to it. Itā€™s still vastly better than literally just a win counter.

@CCP_Convict hey man is there a chance we can get a mid season update to the total wins across the events? I was going to enumerate them manually but with the rather large event with the cruisers its hard to get a complete data set to know if iā€™m even in the running for top 10

Can we get some graph porn on Total isk deaded, most isk killed by a single player, most isk lost by a player, etc etc???!?!?!?!??!

@CCP_Convict @CCP_Aurora @CCP_Dopamine

both cable

Would love more info as well, also I canā€™t find the 2v2 caldari event leaderboard anywhere, also has the players that made top 100 in that event already gotten their prizes?

or did someone wait till the last few hours and then bring their alts in to claim spots like a lamezorā€¦

Duno I was prettly solidly in the top 100 I have not gotten anything yet for 2v2 caldari

They havenā€™t even posted the corvette rankings yet. Looks like theyā€™re already giving up on this, lol.

Collusion is so dirty and wrong and totally against the spirit of the arena

Hey guys, I just added the final leaderboard for the 2v2 Destroyers event. Enjoy!

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Awesome! It would be great if CCP added a rule that forbids collusion, and bans accounts from the arenas that are known to collude.

The arenas should be centered around sportsmanship!