Proving Grounds Event Final Leaderboards

So I would just troll the people with a 500mn large ancillary shield booster stabber. and asking for some 5b ransome lol. OCCUPY ARENA !!

[Stabber, Stabber]
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Reactor Control Unit II

Large Shield Extender II
Small Capacitor Booster II
Large Cap Battery II
500MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Ancillary Current Router II
Medium Ancillary Current Router II

I got a little question about the rules : what exactly does count as a victory ?
For context we just kill the other team with 1 min on the counter and werenā€™t able to escape the arena, is it a draw (no victory) or does it count as a victory (the gate did open ā€¦)

I recon it would be pretty tough to stay within the boundaries of the arena with an oversized MWD, meanwhile handling the typing for a ransoming deal.


Well you do not need to go all full throttle! lol. some 50% power should be ok. The 100mn is a bit slow.

This is easily the best thing CCP has ever added! They asked for more destruction and gave us a really fun way to accomplish that! Thanks CCP!

We made about 14b before losing the caracals, so still at a loss, but had we gone for another day or 2 we could have covered both caracals NP.

Diz is a lie, and I can tell you this as his partner in about 341 of his wins :stuck_out_tongue:

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Post and share win rates please! Checking in at 83%! :slight_smile:

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Quantity over Quality , this really need an ELO rating and ELO match up.

  • more stats like when you click on characters on


@Kadesh_Priestessā€™s argument that ELO will require bling to get to the top doesnā€™t work. Systems with ELO also make sure to match people with similar rating, which means that if you bling, you will rise quickly, but will soon meet only opponents of similar strength (whether theyā€™re skilled or blinged), and will have a 50% chance of losing your blinged ship. I donā€™t think many people will keep spending billions on a ship with these chances of losing it.
The main issue, though, is that you need a critical mass of participants to be able to match based on the rating.

It worked this way in abyss 1v1 rooms though, why would it be any different here? Extreme levels of bling were there until the decommission (thatā€™s with unofficial elo ranking). And yes, technically ā€œnot manyā€ people blinged their ships there, just because the rest died off. Anyway, please elaborate.

Also, elo ranking is not equivalent to elo-ranked matchmaking, the 1st can easily exist w/o the 2nd. Even if match is random and some top dog meets some bottom feeder, their elo rank gain/loss will just change correspondingly.

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If thereā€™s ELO ranking, but matchmaking is random, then yes, blinging may be beneficial, because of the secondary benefit of winning (loot). If the matchmaking is based on the rank, then blinging will not be beneficial, for the reason I described.

Abyssal 1v1 is not relevant, because the matchmaking is random (to the best of my knowledge), and there is no ELO at all (also to the best of my knowledge).

Gl getting to the elo top in t2 fits, then :stuck_out_tongue:

As for me, Iā€™d expect small group of rich players (maybe even from my corp) banding up together, avoiding each other, beating everyone else w/o a single chance, gathering intel on rich people outside of the group - when they log in, what do they fly, to hardcounter them. Much more incentive to do this with elo ranking, since it is an easy and risk-averse way to the top.

edit: Iā€™m told thatā€™s what happened with old 1v1s, and this is what happening to 2v2s as well, since the moment people starting fielding expensive fits.

With 50m fits, on the other hand, people just wonā€™t care and will be fine with fighting each other.

Normaly good Idea this event butā€¦
Why do you put damage from the Abyss by itself ?
We lost some ships and it wasnt always the other Pilot that destroyed us.
So I read that there is a limited area but it isnt easy to see that and where it makes you damage.
We were looking for but didnt find endzone or damage things.
You shold put that more easier to see or leaving damage from the site it makes many pilots angry and they dont do it anymore .
Why not a Bubble like a Posforcefield that kicks you back ? So nobody can fly out and the fight is following its way.

The only major criteria should be ISK, even above number of ships. though that would have to be stipulated. Its obvious. Ive proposed it, has been done by others also. ccp wont likely do that tho as they lose revenue.

Tipa old chap. Long time no chat.
Now we get to see what the data says. This is a test bed. They are running these with gaps in between, across various days, and various formats to see how it affects outside pvp.

If indeed there are huge unacceptable dips in world pvp every time a proving grounds happens, even after the novelty wears off, then you will be right: instanced ā€˜arenaā€™ pvp does significantly reduce world pvp.

If, though, there is no unacceptable reduction during the events (again, once things normalize and initial excitement cools off), then my previous assertions were correct: the arena pvp is mostly additional, therefore beneficial for both economy and, oh yea, fun.

To that last part, even if you are correct, the proving grounds is enjoyable as many have pointed out. Whether that aspect is incompatible with the EVE philosophy is debatable.
I still contend the EVE world is large and developed enough to incorporate an arena as merely another feature, not be consumed by it.

You donā€™t get the point, ELO match making (old proving had no match making at all) no comparison. Stop comparing apple with oranges, this isnā€™t replacement in any kind of way so stop comparing.

  • You only thing about the ranking aspect of the ELO, weā€™re arguing about the match making.
  • Lower rank against lower rank (New players experience)
  • Higher rank against higher rank

How can you compare with the old one ?

  • just delete that content killer and bring back the old oneā€¦ lul
  • quantity over quality
  • no use to learning
  • no use for ranking

I think you can let this one go. This event has been waaaay more popular than the old proving grounds ever were, even when new.

but keep in mind, other content in EVE is even less popular than old proving grounds

for example Level 5 missions and ressource wars

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