Proving of Kybernauts for Glorification in the Flow Unfolds

Well, all we can do is post here on the forums, post on reddit and ask the CSM, nothing more we can do to get stuff to CCP’s attention. Asking CCP directly does not work most of the time, good example happened yesterday in Torvald Uruz stream. Someone asked a dev that was watching if something could be changed with fighter drones, he asked him to post that on the forum. That exactly means, if we want things to change, we have to post it here on the forums.

At the moment, the stuff about the return of the old cruiser 1v1 room is discussed in 5 different threads here on the forums, including this one here. There were also several reddit posts about that, and possibly more will come.

also: The old Abyssal PvP 1v1 cruisers (Vote!) (Ideas) 🦜 More Abyssal content? Why not?

check the poll there, the majority wants the old cruiser room back. There is support for that. I am aware, not many players did the old cruiser room, but this is only because CCP did not care on the feedback they got in late 2018/early 2019. Back then, there were a gazillion of threads and reddit posts about the same issues over and over again. Nothing changed, except that CCP fixed a bug after nearly a year so that the gate spawned more often. Same story with Pochven again. I hear that there are rats that kill you right after undock before you can do anything, as it is still loading.

Sometimes I have the feeling, that things could be a lot better if CCP only spent like 5 min more work on stuff. Good example is the bug that prevents you from looting certain Crimson harvest items. Fixing the issues on the old proving grounds would have taken less than a day. I mean, is it so difficult to set a parameter to 1, increase the loot value or add harder resistance drops?
As you can see on Abysra:
the amount of people doing the old arena was increasing since the surgical strike patch. And CCP still took it away. There are more than 3 people doing it, maybe 15-20, amount increasing.

anyways, all we can do is posting here, hoping that CCP reads that.
By the way, we still have the old map togheter with the new :slight_smile: