those two groups … i dont know how many overlapp but there is 1000 pilots in both … lets say even both overlapped this gives 600 pilot netto … and if you had join to these channel you will see some of the most well known competetive players tons of old AT pilots and lot of very top cream PvP pilots are in those servers … and both organisations do fights in SISI …
anyone know when the new abyssal filaments willbe on sisi?
they are saying this new contents filaments will be on SISI its tomorrow. im not sure really. In case you ask for that
this is not an opinion either, check mate
I did a lot of arena type PvP in other games and the most organized group wins sometimes even defeating the more blingy and epickly equipped one. At least getting some impressive moments when people are caught pants down and killed even with all the stuff on them, theoretically making them invincible. So If people will want, they could go full deadspace or even officer crazy. Which would be silly, but not impossible which is fun.
It will be about a good organization, some people trying to compensate with more expensive modules, some complete new players trying it out and trying their luck, people in progress of learning fleet PvP, or combination of all of them, plus few more I omitted.
A real kettle boiling with all the stuff.
Zkillboard is very unique set up … There is no other game so far i know givin all details about´the fights gears and hanging on top of the many players head like damocles’s sword.
As experience so far players are also consumers. this is served by CCP and of course people will consume it …
Like for example after this trig invased high sec systems launched… first weekend even CCP self admitted in twitter… he had been in field in weekend it was booring as hell… but still people fleeting up and running that content with nearly not much gain since then… yes of course people will try … and of course some groups will dominate and make their ways on higher ranks … but i doubt that these events will really pull attention of those high lvl competetive PvP ers…
When we are talking i had already convo one of them and he said he dont even play in TQ.
yes you are right… some new players will give it a try with fancy expensive ships… some new players who has no chance to make that much isk to afford and replace those ships?? or some new players envyed and injected themselves and buy some plex to be able to get into those ships and fit them ???
I do train new players into PVP for some years now… And if my protege first thing i advise them … start with t1 line ships and no rush for t2 modules ect… because your understanding around fittings mechanics piloting skills develops even slower than your skills in your skill queu…
you will do the same mistakes… as new player made… just those mistakes will cost you far more …
and encouraging new players to this kind of game play… doesnt help them truly learn… it just encouraging them for shortcuts !.. they dont learn how to learn… they learn how to compansate. And it also INDUCE risk aversion issues in early stage of learning PvP
There’s also a very real necessity for CCP Games to build quickly accessible content if they wish to build a customer base in South Korea or China.
Gaming addiction time limit regulations.
They aren’t in the game yet. Nobody can know how this is going to impact anybody’s playstyles until it’s in the game. It’s all speculation, which makes my speculation no less valuable than yours or anybody else’s.
I really don’t appreciate the lecture. You want to know why nobody but me and Mike will come here and talk to you guys? Because when we do, we get told how to do our jobs. I have the patience for it - barely, I admit - but most of the other CSM members don’t.
I have no idea what this means, but thanks?
Hi CCP its me a player who wants to test this new feature
i get my mate on board to test and we log in to the test server eager to give this a go… but oh look they have not been seeded!
but yet the PVE ones have been for the first time ever.
I am quite annoyed at this
please consider this an firmly worded letter from a British player.
Yes, for a couple of hours over a weekend, somebody will be doing something different from what they were planning on doing the weekend before. This is not a negative, and it’s not going to suddenly cause roaming to stop or kill FW. It’s a tiny, limited amount of time.
You have characterized this as a “negative,” arguing that anything that takes any time away from people being in space is a net negative. I don’t think that’s true, as I’ve noted.
As for the “it feels quite shitty” - I’m sorry that you feel that way.
so you truly believe that CCP implementing a content into game and they dont know anything else than specualte about how this reflects the game play ? And you truly believe that a player who play this game over a decade eye witnessed countless updates and releases can only speculate… Of course… Also CCP launching something like that ON Speculations so they cant know how this effect to game play …hmmm Well if all those speculations as you said …
We do speculations here…
the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
“there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit”
now some facts :
into Sand Box game. There is different sand box game examples in the history tells what happens …
history repeats because people assumes that this doesnt count for them … uuups…
Experience and living in this habitat and observing countless attempts and results helps to form up some solid guesses and yes … may be the way of your game play will not be effected… so you are right from your perspective…
I do solo small gang PVP and mostly i do fly with new players and train them into PVP mostly high sec and low sec… also run 1v1 and arranged fights some standarts for many years now… What is your play style and how much closely related this type of PVP ?
i would like to hear because there is 2 different side speculating here…
one side here… standing up for all the way to the bones into this area last 10 years… what do you do?
I would like to share with you an experience with CSM members after surgical strike update…
i had reach out some of them …and told them how this will effect our game play…
Answers was… ok but… i do play mostly null sec. other one . im leading the aliance/corp in null… ectect… then… simply none of them had enough experience to sit and talk evaluate those updates reflections into solo /small gang PvP in our hunting grounds …
and they genuineley accept their incompetence in the area… sit laid back and stay in their tspecialisation area and respect the experience … and they sahred how this will effect their area of play positively… and i had been agree with them because i do also respect their speciality …
Instead of advocating the update they just told me that they will carry these predictions to CCP… and i really appreciated and i trusted… i respect their expertise around presentation…
and all i had called out… came true … one by one …
now i really would like to know…
are you solo small gang player with even may be some competetive experience a person knows current habitat and day by day life in low sec our hunting grounds ? where do you live in EVE ???
Meet the New Concil
How many of those represantatives knows or specialised in the area we are operating ???
You are assuming that others not here because of they dont care ???
They dont have patience ?? Thats unfair ! I dont believe that …
.May be they are not advocating the idea like you and mike … himm may be because they know they dont have enough expertise ? or may be they are agree with different opinions ? we dont know it really … right … right …
New proving conduits are awesome!!!
He were in ab brawl ship and respawned 65 km from opponents… do you know that if this is as rule ??? How do you decide that its awsome ? your criterias ??? Yes arena looks cool design and graphic … agree… SO what else? game play? mechanics ?
if you know you will respawn 65 km off from opponent in the arena … opponent with MWD ? Can you predict what kind of fits we can see in those arenas to counter this situation ??? will it be random ?? if this is the rule?
Come on Man - Usually you try and at least give a voice of reason but this is rubbish. People care about the game and we should welcome healthy debate before, during and after.
this is awesome.
There are limited resources which we pay for with our subs, i’d rather the time was spent on something else.
Unfortunately, CCP doesn’t work for you.
For a non expert (your words) you make a lot of sense.