Time to bring all the discussion back on topic.
I have just tried it on SISI, and must say that I like it. But, it is not much better or different than the old arenas. These old arenas were originally requested by players, as they wanted pvp encounters in the abyss. There was a DEV Blog on that in 2018 I think. I didn’t do a lot of Abyssal PVP on TQ right now, but I still like the idea of these new arenas. I used to go into the old arenas with a cheap vexor Navy just to grab extra loot and getting the potential of a shiny PVE Gila kill, but in the few arenas I did in March, I never had someone enter. Could have been due to the Ddos thingy. But I planned to get myself an Ikitursa or cheap Deimos and go for actual fights rather than just extra stuff.
I am speaking for all those who love the current Arena and meta. Introducing something completely different and independantly of the old proving grounds don’t justify to take them away. I hope that this is getting discussed between CCP and the CSM. There must be a way to make both old and new arenas coexist with each other. Especially since they are completely Independent of each other.
I have read @Sniper_Bros15 and @Gustav_Mannfred points and they Sound good. As Sniper said, there were quite a lot of ways to improve the current proving grounds, and I remember having seen a lot of Posts regarding that on reddit and the forums here. I don’t remember exactly what the points were, but mostly stuff like increasing value of loot or making the proving conduit spawn regardless of the amount of characters in the abyss and so on.
I know, not many did abyssal PVP, but I doubt that it actually had to do with the PVE part or the solved meta ect. Also, Looking at zkill and Abysra indicates that the activity is slowly increasing . I wish CCP would also publish some data on the amount of kills happening and active players doing current abyssal PVP. And remember the skiller in the abyss Event, there the killboard just exploded. All we have is the data on the ships used, not on the amount of players taking the proving gate or amount of ships destroyed.
I really hope, that CCP thinks again about it. Removing an aspect of the game, or content that is gaining popularity, even though it happens slowly, is a very bad idea. I did not read every single post in here, since a lot of posts have nothing to do with the arenas at all, but I did not see any good argument against leaving existing arenas alone.
Lets talk about the new filaments and Arenas after trying it out: They look nice, especially the new scene above the lava planet. Wish, that if CCP keeps the old proving grounds(and they hopefully do so!), they get that scene too, but with the old arenaboundarys, that flashes when someone enters.
The idea to participate in the arena with friends is nice too. This lowers the barrier to entry quite a bit, especially for newer players. However, loot could be a bit better, especially when the idea is that more than 1 Player goes in there. but I hope that is just so because it is not finished yet.