Proving of Kybernauts for Glorification in the Flow Unfolds

You want Eve fights be like Street Fighter, where every character has 10+ specials on top of 20+ basic attacks? :speech_balloon:


Granted, SF is more well known actually for being about mindgames and tricking opponent into a mistake, unlike some more flashy fgts.

Still, if we, eh, compare movesets… Should we compare more to brawlers where, while you have many possible skills/moves/actions, you only equip small amount of them on you

cause some times you want a “faire” fight and not get your t1 cruiser smal gang Drop by a titan fleet !!!

c’est juste un gros tas de marde sa, nissaba, le field est deja partager par des groupes de pimps a 10b le fits, c’est la même osti d’affaire que te faire drop par un titan si tu y mets pas le cash :stuck_out_tongue:

  • aucune chance :stuck_out_tongue:
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time to bring that to reddit too!

Getting in a fair fight is part of the skill of the game, when you get better you won’t need to go in this “kiddie pool”.


fkn hell this event is retarded. how to make eve like any other shitty mmo with pvp tacked on, like WoW, etc.
instancing should be completely out of this game, you guys have gone nuts, throw your fkn creation under the bus much!? you should be expanding and refining the sandbox, not making it a theme park

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hahahaha, gold. but yes, exactly.
Eve, you were supposed to be the chosen one

I don’t know where you got the idea that I wanted eve to be like Street fighter. All I’m saying is that the arena is terrible for Eve and the open world. It’s awful boring game play. Eve is not balanced around fair p v p fights. The game is very rock paper scissors. Most of the time you can predict what is going to happen prior to a fight simply by knowing which ships and fittings are brought to the field. In the open world, this deficiency is masked by all of the random stuff that the open world brings. But in the arena the rock paper scissor nature of the game is unmasked and exposed for all to see. The same thing always happens, there is a rush to the lowest common denominator with People figuring out exactly what ships and fits maximize their chance of success. It’s ultimately boring repetitive gameplay that is completely unlike the open world where all sorts of random stuff can happen.

But the worst thing that The area does is remove people from the open world. Eves biggest selling point is the single shard. But when folk enter the arena they might as well be on the moon because they not part of the eve universe

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Sorry, that was my possible think about example of 1x1 systems (like the ones where you have much more tools available at once, but some are very hard to pull of). I’ve only recently Eving so i dont have clear understanding yet. However it seems like battleship and higher classes, thanks to huge amount of slots, might be closer to moment about “not just 2-3 tools at once (which is like… MOBA?)”. However, still it’s FC who feels like RTS (like supreme commander, commanding hundreds or thousands of units) player, and thats not arena stuff at all, huh

Indeed, but it isn’t a “deficiency”, it is intentional. It kinda makes sense to balance your ships this way in an open-world, unregulated universe. It opens up interesting strategic gameplay and makes fitting a ship, way more interesting than some progression-centric PvP systems where there always a ‘best’ ship and clear tiers of power.

Which means the only way a balanced arena sort of works is if CCP keeps the seasons extremely short and ever-changing so the incompatibility of the way PvP is balanced in Eve and the arena format is less visible and goes away quickly. However, this means Proving grounds really isn’t a standard arena at all, more like a strange, one-time event.

Yes, and this is still a reasonable concern that CCP has sort of hand-waved away. Maybe these arenas won’t have an impact on open-world activity, but common sense and experience in many other MMOs argues it very well might. At least though, that is easily measured, even from the publicly available metrics, and these are limited-time experiments so they can be made to go away, or morph into something more compatible with an open-world PvP game, if it turns out that these aren’t good for the game overall.

I hope you do not call blobing a pro pvp move… Yes I am not good at pvp, I am ■■■■■■■ good at logi on the other hand, and I have seen my share of fight both in WH, low sec and Null.

Not sure a pro swimer would fairre better in a shark tank… When i say fair fight I ment facing people with about the same number. I have been long enoough in this game to know that small gang roaming in Null or low sec you will end up getting a stupid cap fleet to drop on you. Also why CCP as restricted the ship that can equip a cyno. But still getting nuked by caps or getting 100 vs 3 fight. aka : in an arena you don’t get that stupid ■■■■. it is 1v1, 2v2 or 5v5 and not 17 vs 3…

Like every one else I PAY to play this game, so some times I may want to get a faire fight, which you don’t get on average in Null or low sec unless you large gang roam. So yes the new arena is a good thing, it does need to have limits on fits or at least try to mach up people like they do in tenis or like some say here elo. Game wise matching up people is the best way to give every one good content, exception made for people wanting to just nuke some thing off with no effeort then guess if you are against any type of arena you probaly fall in that segment.

Btw people don’t get to decide what good pvp is for every one else. Every one pays to play, so every one should have a way to get the contend that they need. Just like McDonald should not be the only restaurant and the diversity of restaurant is great.

Many games have open world pvp, battlegrounds and erenas, they are all great options and a game that can give all possibilities to its players is a great game.

So Sorry for wanting fair fight and not gettign gang rapped by a bunch of retards.

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If I could make one suggestion please add some form of delay timer before anyone can do anything in the arena. A lot of the time the enemy team is already within close range or out to kite range before we even get to move.(The tunnel animation is still playing and the ship is not accepting commands).
This has happened against enemy teams as well, where we we’re moving way before they were. (Yes they were invulnerable but it’s still not fair tbh).
Some form of a 10 second count down before any team can take actions would greatly help in this regard, to ensure every one is loaded and ready to go, since it’s supposed to be a somewhat fair competition.

lol sure sure, we know you just want some time to look them up on zkill so you know which ammo to pick

:red_circle: Unprobable Proving Ground traces, this is really great. Instanced PVP and save from interference in K-Space. Amazing.

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Thanks for discussing the fitting and pod restrictions with me today, here are the finer points I wanted to enumerate for you to consider:

  1. Hardwire implant restrictions - up to 3%, and only fitting implants, limiting the list (I believe) to:

  2. Allowance for abyssal modules, but only up to Tech II and only decayed mutaplasmids

  3. Boosters - I am not sure which way to go on this one, I can see merit in anything from full allowance to full restriction, or partial restriction.


That are all good points! But also keep in mind that shiny fits keep things interesting for the economy in eve. If they want to do that, they should at least bring back the old arena or something similar.

Until the Kybers start showing up in the 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 Abyssal sites, you are laughable at best.

I think that for cruiser 2v2 meta, allowing all 3% implants is fine. Same for drugs. They do not provide enough multipliers to become a “hard” p2w, yet they are very costly. Full 3% implant set is 100m + rolling strong drugs + agency 4 drugs usually costs ~70-100m, assuming 2 bad penalties on the strong booster. People who do not wish to pour extra 200m into 50m cruiser can just use std/improved + agency 2 + 1-2% implants, which are 4-6 times cheaper and provide very similar efficiency, thus leaving enough room for outplaying and punishing “soft” p2w users by having much higher isk efficiency.

That said, there are other metas where it might become a harder p2w, i.e. if we ever get 1v1 with t2 cruisers, since better drugs will dictate who wins much more often, and their price will be lower compared to base hull cost, thus it could make sense to restrict/prohibit them. So, should consider those restrictions for every given meta separately.

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@CCP_Dopamine When are you going to share the final 2v2 leaderboard/ rewards, and for how much time will those be redeemable?