PSA: How to annoy and scare away new bros

You have a strange definition of the word “kind”…

Telling people what’s good for them and what’s not isn’t exactly “kind” imo… more condescending

But what do I know, I’m a casual player

I don’t claim to know how Eve works even after 10 yrs off and on playing, some simple mechanics get me. I’m not a min maxer, I play to have fun. So I’ll help newbros reach where they want to go, then let them fly from there.

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See I feel like that should be the prevailing attitude here. Something tells me you wouldn’t tell a new player “maybe this game isn’t for you”, even if you believed it, because that’s up to the new player to decide

I’m just floored that so many vets think telling someone essentially “hey stupid maybe you’d feel a bit better over at WoWeenie Hut Jr.” is “doing them a favor”

It makes me wanna get good at PVP lol

I don’t think I’ve ever told someone that. I have been drawn more to the pve than pvp part of Eve, but I’ve never tried to shield noobs away from that aspect either.

I do guide them to certain ships for pve compared to if they wanted to try pvp

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Yeah, I wasn’t sure that arguing with you would accomplish anything, especially since it seemed like you were moving in a direction that works for you. But, I’m inclined to raise the BS flag myself on newbros not understanding what’s going on and thinking that vets are so full of themselves.

So, I have been through Eve University, the OUCH NS survival course, the WTM Logi Commander training program, and have made several tutorial videos. So, I have plenty experience as a student, and even some as a teacher. And it’s been my experience that most of the people going through these training programs were happy to be there and rapidly learning -which was reflected in their questions, comments, and performance. Plus, it may have been a while since I was dumped into space in a rookie ship, but I wasn’t born a crusty vet. So, I have my own experience as a newbro, and I personally believe that most of the instruction I received over the years was useful, accurate, and easily understood, and that it came from highly skilled players who were selflessly devoting large amounts of their personal time to help others and give back to the community.

So, your comments kind of rub me the wrong way. Not, only do I find your claims suspect, but it’s the functional equivalent of being like, “■■■■ teachers. I’ve talked to other students, and we’re all in agreement that they’re incompetent, know-it-all, assholes.” Well, I for one, greatly appreciate the time and effort of the likes of Seamus Donahue (Eve University), Miso? (OUCH), Maximus Evicto Talon (WTM), and all the other teachers who have helped me to find my footing and become a better pilot.

Like I said, if you don’t like classroom instruction, and want to learn by doing, that’s fine. To all the teachers out there that might be reading this thread, however, thank you for your time and effort, and please keep doing what you’ve been doing. There are people out there that greatly appreciate it.


As they should, I’m making some bold accusations here. I’m shifting the blame of the failings of this game off CCP and onto the player base. We’ve made this place unwelcoming for true newbies.

And please make no misunderstanding, I’m not trash talking Eve university, that site is amazing and that group is doing god’s (CCPs) work. I only know what I know because of them. I still search it every time I play.

I’m trash talking all the high level PVPers who want to “take you under their wing”. It’s not that they don’t know anything, it’s that they’re just abrasive, because I hear the edge in their voice when I ask simple questions “wait, ‘gate is red’?”

The main point of this I wanna drive home is vets, please stop trying to “mold” new players. And any vet who says to any new player “maybe this isn’t the game for you” is an empathetic-less dick. If anyone reading this has ever said that to anyone new, you should be ashamed. “This isn’t for me” is up to them to decide.

If you don’t believe me, feel free to hmu in game. I have pilots who can testify to this phenomena in Discord. They didn’t feel welcome here, and I think that’s worth addressing, because I didn’t feel welcome here in any capacity when I started playing either.

Normally I’d say “forget their feelings”, but I just can’t shake the feeling that there aren’t actually 21,000 pilots on tranquility, more like 10,000 with alts, and look at the steam chart data, there are months when thousands of players join, and then they all leave until the next even to draw newbies in. I’m curious what that pattern is, but to me it looks like there’s little to no player retention.

Please don’t misconstrue, you’ve taken the time to respond to me thoughtfully, I can already tell you’re not one of those people. I’ve quite enjoyed talking with you.

If my comment rubbed you the wrong way, I’m sorry, but please don’t take it personally, you seem 100x more chill than half the people I’ve spoken to so far, but for the sake of all the newbros like me, who watch people say “join a corp, join a corp, join a corp”, I feel the need to stand strongly against the status quo and say “this game is more than a corp”, so that some may actually stick around a bit longer


Welcome to the 21st century, bruh. This is not about Eve - the entire internet is pretty much “empathetic-less dicks” - as far as the eye can see.



He’s right, I’m pissing into the wind :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sage wisdom my friend

Idk, I been in Eve just under 2 years so still a noob, but my experiance when asking for advice was mostly positive. People do actually go out of their way to help newbies in Eve.


Yes, for one on one help and quick questions I’ve always found quick responses

But try flying with someone who wants to mold you into a PVPer, when you’re not even clear on what’s an NPC and what’s a player in the overview

And you’ll see the abrasiveness I refer to lol

Newbies, don’t be afraid of help!

But for the love of god don’t accept a mentor-ship from a stranger until after you know how they handle losing

Didn’t run in to annyone like that. Started Eve, joined a corp and when I asked corpies what should I do answer was “literally annything you want”

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And that’s important to know too, the success stories.

If I’m just an INCREDIBLY unlucky person, and happen to come across jerk corps at a higher rate than most, that’s relevant lol

But from where I’m sitting, throwing caution, and the advice of the community, to the wind has made this game more fun than it ever has been for me.

And I think that’s relevant

I think that’s about all the points I have to make on this topic. Thank you all for the awesome replies!

I retired many lols

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