I would like to notion a request to lift the T3 Cruiser restrictions from Ded 3/10 and 4/10 sites in and around High Sec.
Firstly i understand and appreciate the reasons behind why these restrictions were first implimented but i feel these restrictions are no longer necassary as it’s an outdated nerf. More recent updates such as the Triglavians makes exploration as a form of generating ISK is far from the Meta. Exploration in HS was never actually that lucrative, at least in my experience and i’ve been playing EVE on and off since 2011.
There are several reasons why i think these restrictions should be lifted, some may or may not agree with me.
1, Exploration isn’t a lucrative profession (In High Sec) compared to others.
2, There are other all in one ships such as the Stratios that can do the same as a T3.
3, Having to travel great distances to swap out ships to run said sites.
4, After ship swapping, to find the site no longer exists and having to start over.
5, T3 Cruisers cannot enter sites when Navy issue battlecruisers can!?
6, T3 is not guarenteed to win over contested sites due to low DPS (T3 vs Navy issue Drake or Vexor drone ship or even a Stratios for example)
As a solo player i do not want to be forced into Low sec or 0.0 in my T3 to run DeD 5/10 and up, where i will almost certainly be shot down! Yes i understand challenge and risk is part of the game but there has to be some kind of balance to it all.
Finally, since the game is now a free to play model, paying members should have certain advantages over non paying members and since a T3 is an Omega ship, lifting those restrictions seems very reasonable and if not encourage Alpha pilots to upgrade their pilot status.