how do you define newbies? my daughter started a character a couple of months ago and only plays for about an hour a week. perhaps a flag until tutorials and / or career agent completion. nvm too complex, not everyone does all the tutorials or all the career agents. oh well, poor newbs.
Touche !
Man, all you gotta do is use the tools the game gives you. Check local, mark ganking corporations red, use the d scan. Develop an awareness of who different player corps in the game are, where you’re more or less safe, which ships to watch out for, etc. Develop a situational awareness and you’ll be fine. It is fully possible to play the game without getting ganked, or without really dying at all really. You can play in a risk averse way. The game gives you the ability to do that. It is for sure possible to survive in high sec, you just have to actually be engaged with the game. Keep your eyes on the local list, d scan and overview and stay aligned as often as possible. Don’t fly like a zombie.
Here’s my proposal for a PvE only area, denoted by a 1.1 sec status:
-Must be Omega to access (no freeloaders)
-Safety set to green upon entrance and cannot be changed.
-Contains only salt asteroids that reprocess into NaCl (only use is making carebear plushies - see below)
-Rats don’t have bounties
-Missions can be run but provide no ISK in rewards or bounties. The LP you earn can be exchanged for carebear plushie BPCs, made with NaCl. The plushies do nothing but sit in your hangar.
I have absolutely no problem with adding a few systems such as these into the game. I don’t take issue with zero risk so long as it is accompanied by zero reward. If all you want to do with your sub is mine rocks and shoot red triangles in perfect safety, you can do that. Just don’t expect to be allowed to make any impact on the game at all.
What about 1.0 only that means you will have to deal with 500 other people in your system at all times, you would not be able to finish any sites as others will be in your site farming your npc’s and the lag will be great I’m sure
But for a more realistic approach why not just pve on the test server then? No one would bother you. I do a lot of pve on test server when testing new idea’s and have not been bothered once.
I feel like this is actually a fantastic description of what would happen in EVE if any PvE-only space was implemented: the ‘prey’ species (PvE-only players who have completely opted out of PvP) will starve themselves of gameplay by overconsumption and overproduction due to the lack of predators (because aside from Invasion-era content, the Environmental risks in .7 and higher security space are laughable, and Invasion NPCs are exceedingly straight forward fo manipulate into neutrality): bloating the market with goods acquired in perfect safety, causing the market for goods that can be acquired or built in the perfectly safe area to crash and rendering all their efforts worthless.
In a sense sometimes its good to let it happen in a tiny little system maybe 1 place in all of eve where it was true, players would see the effect and realise how silly it is in a place like eve and end up enjoying the rest of eve more because of this knowledge.
1 system with 3000 players trying to pve in safety and hating every second of the lag fest.
I remember playing a game called empyrion and it was exactly like that, the pve only area’s got overrun by rampant creation and farming and the node’s crashed after a bit becuase of the crazy lag these places created.
The players experiencing it enjoyed it at first and got so frustrated that they ended up enjoying the more dangerous but quiter pvp areas much more afterwards.
That’s not what starvation is.
In any proposal to implement a PVE only system, I would hope that normal market options (eg. sell region wide from within the system) and courier contracts would be disabled. If so, the only way for the goods to get to marker would be for them to leave the system first.
Those gates would provide a focal point for ganking gate campers to setup, because for any system that is PVE only, it still has to interface with the rest of the game, and PVP can happen there.
So someone would have to never leave the system (or systems) in order to never face the prospect of PVP.
It would starve them of content - and probably of fun.
So you want to make ganking impossible in most of hisec and more importantly in the areas around the main trade hubs. Yea, bad idea
As far as in game representation as “new” 30 days, per CCP.
There’s too many people who think EVE is like every other wannabe-MMO.
Technically you can be a newby for up to 6 months even, as it takes awhile to at least get everything to a good point.
Reported OP for griefing.
I’ve been playing for around 13 years now and I still feel like a newbie!
There are so many things that I haven’t done yet and so many things that I still want to do, loads of stuff that I still have to master too … one lifetime is not enough! Bah!
I gank miners in this systems. Why do you want to remove my gameplay?
Lol no.
It already exist it’s call abyssal if you just do abyssal pve room.
Its a PvP game. Noone told you that ? @Muddy_Rhodes ??