PvE only systems shouldn't be a thing, but --

Why not put gankergriefers in prison in real life?

That wouldn’t stop ganking, but it would make them think before they play a videogame!


yeah kids this days…
back them we thought about being in a cage for the rest of our lives before playing a video game
they take no responsibility

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PvP videogames are just cyberbullying.


Suggestion: someone make a Nerf Ganking Megathread to reduce the number of spam threads.

Also, what happened to the “Player Suggestions” subsection for this type of suggestions ?

No it isnt


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I miss you calling them ‘gankbangers’. Bring that back.

1 billion isk for retro style.

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All of these problems would be fixed if being in a war-eligible corporation was a requirement for posting on the forums.


Lol, actually I think all of Eve would be fixed if that were the case.

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That miner beside you is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Tags costs money.

Its time to ask what value gankers really bring to the game and if its worth keeping archaic systems around to protect them. It won’t be a popular idea on the forums since most of the people who hang here now are in favor of this low brow game play.

Do you ever have anything practical to add or is the only thing you know how to do is make ad homs?


look dude

ganking is the business of the princess and her crew
most of the forum users are NOT gankers

the thing is ,
no one likes authoritarian people
no one likes to be called names like grifter
no one likes people whit hidden agendas
also no one likes people that don’t know much about our favorite game and keep insisting to change everything

is more a question of rejection than a question of love for ganking itself


Preach, brother.

It’s like people don’t understand the feeling of what actual freedom means these days. And need to rely on external god-like beings like CCP to give them any false sense of it.


No. nowhere should be 100% safe. end of discussion.


I’m pretty sure freedom means you are free to do whatever, as long as it aligns with my views and values. A happy society where everyone gets along :+1:

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All I see is a bunch of triggered forum regulars driving my point home.

So, no, you dont do anything else.

Might as well be a bot.


Posted by yet another Lucas alt that killboard shows has brought no value to the game since June 2020.

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