PvE Roundtable - Saturday 31st of March

I am also among the supporters of the Agency window as the one-stop menu for PVE. The problem is that it just is not that. IT is severely lacking in features. Old mechanics that were transferred into the Agency lost functionality in the process. It is difficult to use. And most importantly it curates and censors PVE content according to what CCP wants you to see and not according what you want to see. For to become the One Ring To Rule All PVE Activities, it would need a lot more development, as many people in the numerous feedback threads about the Agency window have repeatedly noted.

For instance, I think a less annoying and clunky UI would help. Instead of Suggested, Combat, Mining, Specify, there should be the options

  • In Space (has everything related to anomalies, exploration, signatures, resource wars, FOB, escalations, and so on),
  • Agents (has everything related to missions, cosmos, storylines, faction warfare, your loyalty points, research points, faction warfare points, available agent contacts (which are still in the P&P window), and so on)
  • System/constellation related things (asteroid belts, planets, moons, natural phenomena/landmarks, and so on)

These options would be tabs either on the side or top of the agency window. Clean sorting of things. If no tab is selected, the entire window can show many cards of possible PVE activities from all over the space.
When you click on a tab, you go into the actual content area with a sub-menu tab bar that only shows the specific content types and menus you want to see and need to sort your content. Something like this basically:

And CCP needs to add some necessary UI manipulation options:

  • Make the map option and possible to hide
  • With this above UI, give an option to always open the window in a certain tab/sub-tab
  • Especially for agents, we need the old sorting options (“security level” and “available to me” in particular)