PvE Thrasher Fit Help

I just got enough rep to do a T2 mission and I was wondering if anyone has a recommended fit for a Thrasher or maybe another projectile ship since I started minimar. I have Omega and skills for most version 2 equipments so I’m really looking for a good final build to strive towards for ratting/missions. Every fit I find is either a starter one or pvp, or years old so I don’t know if it’s still viable. Kinda hard to tell with Eve.

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First of all, what a ship can or can’t do depends on its pilot. His skills, his experience and his understanding and activity. So when saying “A thrasher can do lvl 2 missions” it actually means “a thrasher used by a good pilot who’s paying attention and knows the missions can do them”, a newbie who lacks understanding or effort can do some of them but will falter in specific, more difficult, missions. Ideally you do level 2 missions in a cruiser, it doesn’t necessarily do more dps but it has more tank and thus is more forgiving to use.

Having said that here’s a fit you can try out, just know that most Minmatar ships can choose to armour or shield tank, in this case I’m listing a shield fit as that is better to use vs Minmatar based npc. Ammo choice depends on what you’re shooting at.

[Thrasher, Thrasher Starter PVE]

Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer
Counterbalanced Compact Gyrostabilizer

1MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Medium Shield Extender I
Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener

250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I
[Empty High slot]

Small Core Defense Field Purger I
Small Core Defense Field Purger I
Small Core Defense Field Purger I

EMP S x3000
Fusion S x3000
Phased Plasma S x3000

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I moved away from the starting area to perimeter since my friend is over there. I will have to check the enemies there to figure out the ammo unless you happen to know what it is.

Also my friend has been helping me out so I have a decent amount of Isk. How would you upgrade that build?

i suggest you to open the fitting tool in eve
to copy the fit above
left inferior corner import from clickboard
then start working from this fit
right click on modules and show info => variations and replace the module by its differen versions
and see how it changes dps, ehp, % resist, cpu, powergrid etc
learn to use this tool rather than asking for a fit. Everythg will depend on your skills etc

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