After the update to 18.04 my Eve install (Sorolax launcher) failed to load, so I figured I’d try a fresh install of Ubuntu and after coming here and reading a bit I decided to try to just use the windows launcher vs the Sorolax one. So I went and got Wine 3.0.1 loaded up, set up the 32 bit environment and got it installed (desktop icon that tries to start the launcher) it seems to kinda start, I get a grey box that looks launcher size and has the button for the drop down seeings menu, I can run the network diagnostics ect. then an error kicks out about the QTWebProcess and the launcher gets a big gear in it. I feel so close to getting it working again. Anyone have an idea?
Take a look at the thread and see what you can find. I believe something about Ubuntu 18.04 makes this not as simple as it is for Debian and some other distros where it works almost flawlessly out of the box.
Skimming through the thread myself as it’s a bit full of other things was it a missing dotnet40 for some reason, which needs to be installed via winetricks.