Questioning OpenAI's Chatbot about EvE

Thats hilarious.

ChatGPT for US president. It about on par with Trump for truthfulness

Not sure, making a claim, which even the AI knows is not true, e.g. that they were playing EvE, is a clear lie. So the algorithm must include the concept of stating things which are objectively untrue. Or at least have no rule against it. Maybe the bot can’t differentiate between a made up argument, whether it objectively is a lie or just wrong.

This is a fantastic new field for researchers, and a real intellectual challenge for us humans … it’s a game changer.

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Hello Tipa😀

Depending on it’s computing power and quality of the algorithm one can argue that the statement “I played EVE” is a response triggered by word recognition linked to a network that has data about the game. It can read ( learn ) what EVE is and how the game is played in microseconds. In that way it “played” the game ( the word/term triggered by the question ) but in reality, it doesn’t know that it only read files at the speed of light through fiber optic cables and servers. There were no emotions involved, no stakes, no surprises nothing. Just cold hard computing. Bits of data.

I love sci-fi because it often becomes reality. Did anyone know that Kirk’s hand-held communicator would turn out to be real, and better, within his lifetime? And androids? Hover crafts, Iron-Man suits… All very exciting, all very dangerous.

Fifie vs Skynet

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You can clearly see that it didnt had enough time to play EVE, with all the people questioning it about everything.

EVE is very niche and there is outdated info out there already, or straight up jokes and misinformation written by people who dont know what they write about. In some cases there is no info at all, and what I suspect is A.I. will improvise.

If you can get now people who believe earth is flat, you can for sure have A.I. that will tell you that Atron is a Battleship.

Lastly, If you ask me about number of jumps, I could give you some estimates. But they would be no better than that A.I. For that I would have to counter you with a question first, what parameters you want for those jumps also, which I am sure A.I. wasnt really programmed to do, like it wasnt programmed to play EVE.

What is fascinating to me is, that the first human imitating AI available to the public turns out to be very close to what it was envisioned in sci-fis before. But this may be a self-fulfilling prophecy because the developers also knew this.

Sounds like a human, has no concept of morale, and gives you the answer you want to hear.

The judging piece only comes from us interpreting the results, it’s pure imagination.

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I’m sad that no other person or bot understands the Raven Fit refence, EvE is dying.

I’m dying lol


It will also frequently give incorrect answers to basic math or computing problems, because it’s a language model that is just predicting what words should go together and it doesn’t actually have any concept of how to perform the calculation itself.

Yup, I once got it to claim that 5 equals 7.

I think… its quite good, doesnt go into arguments, because why? It will agree for people to shut up already. Like: Yea, ok human, you are right… :roll_eyes:

You have perfect conversations about everything and nothing really, without going into arguments.

I wonder how would real person feel conversating with such amount of people wanting to say so much crap about everything, and asking so much about stuff so obscure that there is just no info anywhere beside some book or game only few nerds play…

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Could be useful on this forum. No way it’d go wrong with that attitude… although it’s still possible. Never underestimate the tenacity of trolls.

We should start a thread with only chatbot answers are allowed

Helloooo forum

You give posters too much credit, it wouldn’t work. Also, the thread would be used against posters in the future: “…but there you posted that you can gank in a pod, which is completely untrue so why should anyone take you seriously…?” “… dirty Alt!” “…someone close this thread…

~Fifie in Eveland

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Arguably, one of the most common forms of human interaction is arguing. It’s a natural human instinct to want to defend our beliefs and opinions, but sometimes, the act of arguing can be futile and even damaging. Here’s why.

First and foremost, arguing often leads to escalation. When two people are locked in an argument, emotions can quickly get heated, and the argument can spiral out of control. This can lead to personal attacks and hurt feelings, which can damage relationships and create lasting resentment.

Additionally, arguing often fails to resolve the issue at hand. People tend to become entrenched in their positions and are unwilling to see the other side of the argument. This can lead to a stalemate, where no one is willing to give in, and the argument continues indefinitely without resolution.

Furthermore, arguments can also be unproductive because people are often more focused on winning the argument than finding a solution. This can lead to a situation where both parties are more concerned with proving each other wrong than finding a mutually beneficial outcome.

In many cases, arguing is also based on misunderstandings or incorrect information. People often make assumptions or jump to conclusions without fully understanding the situation, which can lead to arguments that are rooted in false premises.

Finally, it’s important to remember that arguments often don’t change people’s minds. People tend to hold onto their beliefs and opinions, and an argument is unlikely to convince someone to change their mind.

In conclusion, while it’s natural to want to defend our beliefs and opinions, it’s important to recognize that arguing can often be futile. Instead of engaging in arguments, it’s more productive to engage in open and honest communication, listen to the other side of the argument, and focus on finding mutually beneficial solutions.

It is opinion about arguing written by A.I… itself.


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